Process Analysis Volleyball

641 Words2 Pages

Ali Juergensmeyer

How to Overhand Serve a Volleyball with your Right Hand

Karch Kiraly, an American volleyball player with two gold medals, once said, “No volleyball game can begin without a serve, and the serve is the only technique that is completely under your control.” The serve is what starts every play and is used to attack the other team’s offense. With the rally scoring used in volleyball today, there is no room for service errors. With plenty of practice and these eight simple steps, you will be serving like a pro in no time. Previous volleyball experience is recommended to successfully complete these steps.

Materials Needed:

•Molten Super Touch IV58L Volleyball

•Volleyball Net at 7 feet, 4 inches

•An area with a Volleyball …show more content…

Transfer your weight by stepping your left foot forward. IMG_0027.JPG

6. Aim with your body:

Shifting your weight from your right leg to your left will give you the momentum to make a powerful serve. The ball will go where your hand and toes are pointed.

7. Make contact

Lead with your elbow to bring your right hand forward. Contact the ball just above and in front of your head. Solid contact is important; keep your hand stiff and open wide, almost like you are high-fiving the ball, to have a solid hit. IMG_0029.JPG

8. Follow through

Swing straight through the ball. Your hand should end up by your right hip Do not swing across your body like you are buckling your seatbelt. Unlike a hit, you do not have to swing as fast or as hard because the serve must travel.

Nothing is more important to the game than a serve. The serve sets the tone of every rally. Having an effective and consistent serve is crucial to the game of volleyball. These steps will not always guarantee a good serve. Practice makes perfect, so grab a ball and get out and

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