Pride and Prejudice: Contrasting the Relationships of Elizabeth and Jane

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One of the most commonly read and most devoted writers in the English literature, is novelist Jane Austen. Writer of Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma and two other additional novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion and lastly the novel Sanditon. Austen’s novels acted as witty, warm and consisted descriptions of the favored classes of the 18th- and 19th-century in England. Jane’s most finely known novels were Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice and Emma, all three became favorites in the world of Hollywood.

There is one classic in specific that regardless of how many times one reads it, one still continues to fall in love with the timeless romance in the novel of Pride and Prejudice. First being titled as First Impressions in 1796, the novel was presented to publisher Cadell who unfortunately rejected Jane Austen’s work without even reviewing it. This pushed Austen into shaping the novel into something more appealing, which caused the original title First Impression to be switch into Pride and Prejudice. This novel went through vary evolutions before it was published on January 28 of the year 1813, around the early nineteenth century.

This romantic tale takes, us, the readers on a journey back into the 19th century where for people in those days it was hard to live because people were only concerned about two things which were wealth and family class. In basis of the novel we are introduced to the Bennet household, whom throughout the whole novel presume a great interest to interact with those of wealthier aspects. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet’s main desire in the novel is to see all of their five daughters joined with a helpmate in holy matrimony. However, for Mrs. Bennet...

... middle of paper ... and Charles Bingley in Pride and Prejudice.2008.4 April.<>

-Slow, Ida. Pride and Prejudice-Prudence vs. Inclinations. 1997.

-The Republic of Pemberley. Jane Austin Information Page. 2004-2009.

-Chan, Cheryl. Pride and Prejudice-Inversion and Criticism of the Romantic Novel. 1997. 30 May.

-Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Gray, Donald. New York. London.2001

-Fitzwilliam Darcy Biography.< >

-2009. Spark notes LLC

-Le Faye, Deidre (2002). Jane Austen: The World of Her Novel. New York: Harry N. Abrams.

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