Pricipals Office Short Story

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I took a deep breath and entered the large building. I could feel a hundred eyes trained on me, daring me to slip up. My determination fueled, I strode my way into the principals office.


As the front doors creaked open, a hush seemed to sweep through the students. A girl of seventeen entered. She was wearing dark blue skinny jeans that enunciated her long legs. Hugging her torso and chest was a long sleeved black shirt. Her black hair was pulled in a half up half down updo. Her maroon converse made no sound as she strode through the hallway. She seemed to look at everyone while ignoring every eye. She entered the pricipals office, the halls were quiet until a certain badboy yelled, "SCORE!" As if rising from a trance, everyone resumed …show more content…

Behind a metal desk is a skinny women who is occupied with the task of filing her nails. Instead of making my presence known by coughing, I drop my book bag on the floor beside me. She looks up in shock but regains her composition when she realizes that it was just a girl and not the Jersey Devil. I make no move to spark converaation and neither does she.

Finally, she turns to her computer. "Avery Willis, I presume." She looks up at me. I nod. She motions for me to take a seat behind.

I ignore her and head towards a corner of the room where a shelf is located. Residing on the shelf are a series of awards. I ignore the congratulatory messahes on the metal peices and instead check my appearance. There was an officially large amount of staring in the hallway.

Satisfied with my makeup I take a seat directly across from the woman. Apperently she is the secretary. I take inventory on her desk. There are the normal boring-office-lady things as well many, many wax wrappers. I notice a badly-concealed bag or caramal. I vagualy remember reading a pamphlet which stated that this school was VERY health concious and that candy was NOT allowed. I …show more content…

"You see, my parenst were very obese. They were addicted to caramels." I make sure not to look at the numerous wrapper sprinkled across her desk, instead I set my head toward the trophy shelf. My eyes glaze over.

Her eyes widen. I fake a sob,"Yes, it was horrible. They would have it al the time. All. The. Time. And then, one day I found them dead. Around their feet were hundreds of caramel wrappers." A gasp escapes from her. "And, the worst part is that on their tombstones were the words 'I owe my happiness to caramels'. That day every one kept saying 'Caramels killed 'em'. Ever since that day I have sworn to never be in the presence of caramels. If that happens, it will kill me." I shade my eyes with my hands and lower my head in an attempt to conceal my laughter.

Behind me, I hear a polite cough. I look up in surprise. I turn around but not before nticing the dissapearance of the wrappers. Behind me stood a woman in a pencil coat. Her whole demeanor screamed

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