Preventive Patrol Experiment

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In this paper, I will detail the findings and analysis of the Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment.


The Kansas City, Missouri Police Department in coalition with the Police Foundation conducted an experiment in 1972 to determine the effectiveness of preventive patrol (Cordner, 2016). The Police Foundation embraces innovative ideas and research, consequently, they will also provide financial assistance to departments seeking answers about the use of their resources through scientific research (Kelling et al., 1974). The Chief of Police of the Kansas City Police Department, Clarence M. Kelley, approached the Police Foundation with the idea of the preventive patrol experiment and received a grant to fund the experiment. …show more content…

The patrol officers felt preventive patrol was less about the prevention of crime and more about creating a sense of safety of the citizens (Kelling et al., 1974). In 1972, the department had the support of the community, exceptional leadership, knowledgeable police staff, moreover, the planning capabilities in place to bolster the experiment. The experiment was intended to examine the impact of preventive patrol by measuring instances of crime as well as the citizens’ fear of becoming a victim of …show more content…

The collaborative efforts to collect and evaluate the data involved several individuals, including patrol officers, police administration, Police Foundation staff, as well as sophisticated consultants. Through rigorous testing the strategy of preventive patrol was evaluated for effectiveness.

The results of the experiment were not as researched had hoped, revealing no significant differences in the areas of reactive patrol and proactive patrol (Kelling et al., 1974). Additionally, the results did not show a significant difference in public perception of police presence, response times, or services. The study did show that patrol could refocus their efforts during noncommitted time into other areas besides preventive patrol without experiencing a negative impact on the safety of the public.

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