Many different approaches are used to reduce power consumption at the circuit level design. Some of the main techniques are Transistor Sizing, Voltage Scaling, Voltage Islands, Multiple Threshold Voltages and Power Gating. There is a negative effect with each power optimisation technique used at the expense of performance or area. Rabaey (1996) states that Transistor Sizing (TS) technique is used to adjust the size of each transistor (smallest element in the digital system) or gate (group of transistors) for minimum power at the expense of the performance of the gate. Rabaey also states that transistor size is changed only if its place is not critical and it will not affect the whole circuit performance. Another Technique proposed by Pillai, Shin, & Arbor (2001) for power optimisation is Real-time Dynamic Voltage Scaling (RT-DVS) which it is dedicated for embedded computing systems. RT-DVS technique is exploiting the hardware characteristics of processors to reduce energy dissipation by lowering the supply voltage and operating frequency. Pillai, Shin, & Arbor also show that this RT-DVS algorithm closely approach the theoretical lower bound on energy consumption, and can easily reduce energy consumption 20% to 40% in an embedded real-time system. On the other hand the later will be affected by lowering speed of the overall system when using voltage scaling technique (Tawfik & Kursun 2009). Another technique called Voltage Island comes to solve the problem of the RT-DVS technique which different blocks can be run at different voltages for saving power in a non-critical island/block (Puri et al. 2005). Puri et al. also show that Voltage Island may require the use of level-shifters (to change the voltage supply level) when two block...
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...02). ACM.
Puri, R., Kung, D., & Stok, L. (2005, May). Minimizing power with flexible voltage islands. In Circuits and Systems, 2005. ISCAS 2005. IEEE International Symposium on (pp. 21-24). IEEE.
Tawfik, S. A., & Kursun, V. (2009). Low power and high speed multi threshold voltage interface circuits. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 17(5), 638-645.
Won, H. S., Kim, K. S., Jeong, K. O., Park, K. T., Choi, K. M., & Kong, J. T. (2003, August). An MTCMOS design methodology and its application to mobile computing. In Low Power Electronics and Design, 2003. ISLPED'03. Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on (pp. 110-115). IEEE.
Weng, S. H., Kuo, Y. M., & Chang, S. C. (2012). Timing Optimization in Sequential Circuit by Exploiting Clock-Gating Logic. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), 17(2), 16.
Lab 4: Energy Conservation: Hot Stuff!! The purpose of this experiment is to try to find the original temperature of the hot water in the heater using the 60 degrees C thermometer. Use your 60°C thermometer, and any materials available in your laboratory, to determine the temperature of the water in the coffee pot. During this experiment we calculated the original temperature of a heater after it had been cooled down, and we did this by measuring hot, cold, and warm water, with a thermometer that had tape covering 60 degrees and up.
The inter-temporal relationship between every task was specified in advance so the impact of delay of a task on other tasks could be calculated.
The Five Hour Energy Supply The small drink that promises energy and alertness without jitters plays a role in most teenage and adult lives. This 5- Hour Energy’s audience is multitasking, working professionals. Market demand has increased a tremendous amount since the product hit the store shelves in the year 2004. Each bottle contains high doses of vitamin B, caffeine, and energy blend.
...hborhood, additive CA are ideally suited for V LSI implementation. Different applications ranging from V LSI test domains to the design of a hardwired version of different CA based schemes have been proposed.
Wind turbines can be very useful in bringing energy into your home. They are especially useful when solar panels aren't working. They take the wind speed from oceans, lakes, dugouts, or rivers and turn it into energy. To use the wind turbines most efficiently you should set up a wind power system.
In this case, there are two solutions presented to reduce carbon emissions in the air from burning fossil fuels; as a result, it will reduce global warming. In this paper, these solutions and questions related to them are to be discussed and analyzed.
Bolla, R., Bruschi, R., Davoli, F., Di Gregorio, L., Donadio, P., Fialho, L., & Szemethy, T. (2013). The green abstraction layer: A standard power-management interface for next-generation network devices. IEEE Internet Computing, 17(2), 82. doi: 10.1109/MIC.2013.39
“After the integrated circuits the only place to go was down—in size that it. Large scale integration (LS) could fit hundreds of components onto one chip. By the 1980’s, very large scale integration (VLSI) squeezed hundreds of thousands of components onto a chip. Ultra-Large scale integration (ULSI) increased that number into millions. The ability to fit so much onto an area about half the size of ...
Basic Mathematics for Electronics seventh edition: Nelson M. Cooke, Herbert F.R Adams, Peter B. Dell, T. Adair Moore; Copyright 1960
In 21st century, there is growing interest to minimize the size and the power consumption of any electronic device. There are many technologies introduced but the most optimistic technology is identified as MEMS.
The nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan revealed the fragility of highly centralised energy systems that are not adapted into complex societies. Some technological solutions such as carbon dioxide capture or shale gas could even turn out to be mere illusions in the future. Meanwhile, energy costs are increasing every day, with social consequences. As a result, there have been calls for strong involvement of local authorities in formulating energy policies for cities. This will give rise to a more prominent place to decentralise policies on the basis of energy efficiency, energy savings as well the use of renewable energy. It is widely anticipated that the implementation of these policies by the relevant city authorities will play a prominent role in the transition to energy efficient cities (Energy-cities, 2011).
The greenest computer will not miraculously fall from the sky one day; it will be the product of years of improvements. The features of a green computer of tomorrow would be like: efficiency, manufacturing and materials, recyclability, server model, self-powering and other trends.
Basic Electronics Electronics Today Advances in electronics have given us pocket calculators, digital watches, heart pacemakers, computers for industry, commerce and scientific reach, automatically controlled production processes, instant viewing on our television screens of events n the other side of the world and a host of other applications. These have become possible largely because we have learned how to build complete circuits, containing thousands of electronic parts, on a tiny wafer of silicon no more than 5mm square and 0.5 mm thick. Microelectronics is concerned with these ‘densely populated’, miniaturized integrated circuits (ICS), or ‘chips’ as they are called, which are changing the way we live and work and challenging us to see that the changes are for the better. Chips are also used to control robots in factories, electric cookers, washing machines and traffic lights; they are the brains behind TV games and microcomputers; they form the hearts of machines for teaching spelling and arithmetic and can even be used to mix cocktails and recognize signatures! Today, electronics is being used to an ever-increasing extent in communication, control and computer systems as well as in domestic products and for medical care. In the first Industrial revolution, machines replaced muscles. In the second, now upon us, and brought about by microelectronics, brainpower is being replaced. Few areas of human activity are likely to escape. Resistance ”Resistance is anything that causes an opposition to the flow of electricity in a circuit. It is used to control the amount of voltage and/or amperage in a circuit. Everything in the circuit causes a resistance (even wire). It is measured in OHMS”. (
This section discusses the reversibility property and its applications in designing reversible circuit elements. The first part briefly reviews reversible logic. The second part introduces some common reversible gates that are used in this dissertation. Finally, reversible and quantum circuits and their characteristics are discussed.
Power equals influence. It 's personal, too, residing within those who wield it. Sometimes a position of authority within an organization lends power to a person, but borrowed power isn 't necessarily as effective as power derived from leadership. Every organization has leaders who hold no positional authority, yet somehow wield influence, while managers who should be able to command respect flounder. Small-business owners wanting to enhance their influence and that of their managers should consider the five sources of power available at organizations. Three come with position. The other two are available to anyone.