2.6 Background on Reversible Logic This section discusses the reversibility property and its applications in designing reversible circuit elements. The first part briefly reviews reversible logic. The second part introduces some common reversible gates that are used in this dissertation. Finally, reversible and quantum circuits and their characteristics are discussed. 2.6.2 Logic Function In classical computing, logic operations are defined as functions over Boolean variables B ϵ {0, 1}. Definition 2.1. A multi-output Boolean function is a mapping f : Bn → Bm, where B = {0, 1} is a Boolean domain and n, m ϵ N. In fact, it is a system of m Boolean functions fi ( x1, x2,....... xn ), where 1 ≤ i ≤ m. Such function can be expressed in …show more content…
2.6.2 Reversible Function Boolean reversible functions are a subset of Boolean logic functions with certain conditions. Definition 2.2. Let A be any set and defined f : A → A as a one-to-one and surjective function. The function f is called a permutation function if applying f to A leads to a set with the same elements as A and possibly in a different order. For example, if A = {1, 2, 3,....m } for any ai ϵ A there exists a unique aj ϵ A such that f(ai) = aj . Definition 2.3. An n-input, n-output fully specified Boolean function f : Bn → Bn is called reversible if it is a permutation function. A function is reversible if it is bijective (i.e., one-to-one and onto) . In other words, a reversible function has the same number of inputs as outputs and there is a one-to-one mapping between its input and output vectors. A reversible gate realizes a reversible function. An irreversible function can be embedded into a reversible function by adding extra inputs/outputs and assigning values to the generated don't-cares to create a permutation …show more content…
In the Full Adder function of Table 2.1, the maximum number of times that an output pattern is repeated is 3 (for output patterns 10 and 01). Hence, at least Γlog2(3)˥, = 2 garbage outputs and one constant input are required to make the Full Adder function reversible. Table 2.2 shows a reversible form of the Full Adder function where go1 and go2 are the garbage outputs and gi is the constant input. Note that assigning 0 to gi leads to obtaining outputs cout and sum, but the don't-cares are assigned in the way that assigning 1 to gi inverts the cout output. Table 2.2: A reversible Full Adder There is more than one reversible function associated with each irreversible function depending on the number of constant inputs and garbage outputs used and don't care assignments. The circuits that result from synthesizing these embedded reversible functions are different in terms of the number of gates and the number of qubits and hence have different implementation costs. Consequently, the process of embedding an irreversible function into a reversible function is of significant importance and has remained an open problem while being studied in many articles [45,
Mill, J. S. (2000). System of Logic Ratiocinative and Inductive. London: Longmans, Green, and Co.
Cellular Automata can also be viewed as a simple model of a spatially extended decentralized system made up of a number of individual components[cells].Cellular Automata comes in different shapes and varieties.One of the fundamental properties of a cellular automaton is the type of grid on which it is computed. The number of colors (or distinct states) a cellular automaton may assume must also be specified. This number is generally an integer, with (binary) being the simplest choice. For a binary automaton,"white" is called for color 0 and "black" for color 1. However, cellular automata having a continuous range of possible values may also be considered.
There is a chain that leads up to a top classification. Everything under one classification is recognized as part of that set as well as being independently it’s own set. For a set of numbers an operation is either closed or open. Closed means that performing this operation using terms out of that set and getting a result that is a part of that same set. For an operation to be open means that when performing this operation using numbers from that set would not result in a number included in that set.The first classification is natural numbers. These are commonly referred to as counting number because they are the most common numbers that you count with. These numbers are all positive, whole numbers that are greater than zero. The symbol for this is N. The next classification is whole numbers. This is all whole numbers excluding negative numbers, but including zero. This is recognized as W. The next is integers. These are whole numbers that can be negative, zero, or positive. The symbol is Z. The fourth classification is rational numbers. These are any positive or negative number that can be written as a fraction, including zero, and is commonly known as Q. Not above, but beside rational numbers are irrational numbers. These are numbers that can not be written as a fraction, such as decimals that continue forever, such as pi. The symbol is R/Q, which represents real numbers excluding
We thought of using this but needed a binary opposite to go in it so
...ct, base this on a unit consisting of five quantum dots, one in the center and four and at the ends of a square, electrons would be tunneled between any of the two sites. Stringing these together would create the logic circuits that the new quantum computer would require. The distance would be sufficient to create "binary wires" made of rows of these units, flipping the state at one end causing a chain reaction to flip all the units’ states down along the wire, much like today's dominoes transmit inertia.
Abstract—Computational problems have significance from the early civilizations. These problems and solutions are used for the study of universe. Numbers and symbols have been used for different fields e.g. mathematics, statistics. After the emergence of computers the number and objects needs to be arranged in a particular order i.e. ascending and descending orders. The ordering of these numbers is generally referred to as sorting. Sorting gained a lot of importance in computer sciences and its applications are in file systems etc. A number of sorting algorithms have been proposed with different time and space complexities. In this paper author will propose a new sorting algorithm i.e. Relative Split and Concatenate Sort, implement the algorithm and then compared results with some of the existing sorting algorithms. Algorithm’s time and space complexity will also be the part of this paper.
The word logic indicates analysis. Analysis may be approved result or mathematical proof. Basic logical connectives are AND, OR and NOT. The collections of elements are called as set. Basic operations of sets are union, intersection and complement. Let us see solving logic and set theory in this article.
< x1, x2, … , xn > ∈ r , where r is a relation on n attributes and x1, x2, … , xn are domain variables or domain constraints.
Mathias, Craig. “Dumb and Dumber”. Electronic Engineering Times 1176 (Fall 2001). ) Academic Search Premier. Colorado State U lib. 5 March, 2003. http://search.epnet.com>
It was pure joy to learn how the Boolean logic makes computers work. In my undergraduate study I had taken up courses on Software Engineering, Computer Networks, Data Structures, JAVA, Operating Systems, Computer Graphics, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Database Management, Web Technology and Mobile Application Development. Practical application aspects were introduced to me through laboratories correspond...
In 500 B.C. the abacus was first used by the Babylonians as an aid to simple arithmetic. In 1623 Wihelm Schickard (1592 - 1635) invented a "Calculating Clock". This mechanical machine could add and subtract up to 6 digit numbers, and warned of an overflow by ringing a bell. J. H. Mueller comes up with the idea of the "difference engine", in 1786. This calculator could tabulate values of a polynomial. Muellers attempt to raise funds fails and the project was forgotten. Scheutz and his son Edward produced a 3rd order difference engine with a printer in 1843 and their government agreed to fund their next project.
"programming" rules that the user must memorize, all ordinary arithmetic operations can be performed (Soma, 14). The next innovation in computers took place in 1694 when Blaise Pascal invented the first “digital calculating machine”. It could only add numbers and they had to be entered by turning dials. It was designed to help Pascal’s father who
Many physicists would agree that, had it not been for amphibious methodologies, the simulation of B-trees might never have occurred. Such a claim is generally a theoretical intent but is derived from known results. The notion that hackers worldwide connect with real-time technology is regularly encouraging. As a result, the exploration of digital-to-analog converters and multi-processors connect in order to accomplish the investigation of von Neumann machines.
Sometimes there are theories that have to do with machines that do not exist and usually have things in them that are infinite and they usually work with letters and numbers.
Thousands of years ago calculations were done using people’s fingers and pebbles that were found just lying around. Technology has transformed so much that today the most complicated computations are done within seconds. Human dependency on computers is increasing everyday. Just think how hard it would be to live a week without a computer. We owe the advancements of computers and other such electronic devices to the intelligence of men of the past.