Agile software development Essays

  • Agile In Software Development

    665 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Agile” Introduction. Agile movement gives alternatives to the normal way of project management. The Agile way is usually used in software development to assist businesses to react to the unpredictability. Project directions are assessed by the agile methodology throughout the creating and the lifecycle. In an Agile paradigm requirements is checked in the lifecycle regularly. The project can then be inspected and adapt every few weeks when needed. This inspect and adapt movement reduces the development

  • Essay On Agile Software Development

    1221 Words  | 3 Pages

    Agile development methods have been gaining acceptance among mainstream software development since the late 1990s, when they were first postulated in the form of Scrum, Crystal, Extreme Programming and the other. Today they were founded to varying degrees in the software development community learning, and professional education. While there is much to be learned from looking at the items that are created by software developers and from developers to measure and failure proneness of software, we

  • Agile Development: A New Wave of Software Development

    1305 Words  | 3 Pages

    ABSTRACT Agile Methodology is a term I have come across more and more throughout my exposure to professionals in the IS field. Wither it be networking activities, interviews, or general conversation I repeatedly hear “Agile Methodology” in reference to system development and project management, where it is referenced as the “newest and greatest” method of development. This has made me wonder what exactly is Agile Methodology, when is it best for a development team to use Agile, why is Agile the “in”

  • Software Development: The Disadvantages of Agile Methods

    1313 Words  | 3 Pages

    Agile methods have a number of disadvantages. Discuss the disadvantages of agile methods and how those disadvantages can be managed, with examples. Agile method is newer software development method in software industry. Until 2006, there are 17% of organizations are already using agile as their software devolvement method. Many and many organizations are getting interested and they are moving toward to adopt agile method nowadays. They believe agile methods are much more flexible and this method

  • Exploring Software Development Methodologies: From Waterfall to Agile

    811 Words  | 2 Pages

    Software methodology development processes developed to streamline associated software development process, with the Waterfall methodology being the first such process in 1970. After the said such time, many new development methodologies such as Agile and Spiral methodologies developed to facilitate the shortcomings of Waterfall. As the Spiral methodology is an iterative development module, where methodology continuously cycles through phases. The Agile Method is an incremental development methodology

  • Agile Vs Traditional Software Development: A Comparative Study

    1341 Words  | 3 Pages

    of Traditional Software Development Methods with Agile Methodology Neeraj Kumar Saklani, Abhishek Tomar, Baddi University Abstract Agile Methodology provides us a platform to develop software in an efficient and effective manner. Agile Methodology provides more of a people oriented approach rather than a process oriented. Nowadays most of the Software development Organization starts following agile methodology to gain customer satisfaction and to improve the quality of the software. Extreme programming

  • Agile Software Development Case Study

    1207 Words  | 3 Pages

    developing software for companies have evolved over time due to the constant pressures of competition in todays business world. Competition has become fierce due to the power of computers and use of technology to develop programs that can design products, search data and provide user interfaces. In the beginning much of the development of this software was created with traditional practices that had time tested success in much of the business world. The waterfall method of development follows a linear

  • The Agile Methodology: The Software Development Life Cycle

    1729 Words  | 4 Pages

    EVERYWHERE! Software is everywhere in today’s society. Yet, majority of the population don’t know how it is developed. Software development is the process of computer programming involved in creating and maintaining applications and frameworks resulting in a software product. It is used in various ways, accumulating the needs of different people and businesses. There are many methods that a team of software developers could use for generating their product, and each team must follow a methodology

  • Lean Software Development and Enhancing Software Development Projects

    2035 Words  | 5 Pages

    Lean Software Development and Enhancing Software Development Projects Introduction Lean Software Development is essentially a transformation of lean manufacturing and IT principles and is a branch of agile development framework. The core concept here being eliminating waste. At the same time CMMI is a capability maturity model integration which is a process improvement technique that is used to bring about an improvement in a project, process or the entire organization for that matter. In this

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Downfall Methodology In The Software Engineering System

    1848 Words  | 4 Pages

    What is the waterfall methodology? According to several software engineering sites, the waterfall methodology is also known as the linear-sequential life cycle model and also known as the traditional approach to software development. The waterfall model is as follows: Requirement of gathering and analysis, flowing down to, System design, then flowing down to Implementation, followed by Testing, and then Deployment of the system, and the final phase of Maintenance. The idea of the waterfall approach

  • Agile Development Methodology

    1225 Words  | 3 Pages

    Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Agile development methodology 2 Agile development methodology Agile Manifesto 3 Agile Manifesto Advantages and disadvantages of agile software development 4 Advantages and disadvantages of agile software development Conclusion 5 Bibliography 6 Agile development methodology Agile development is a system development strategy where the system developers are given the competence to choice from a wide selection of appropriate tools and techniques that can

  • Essay On Agile Approach

    998 Words  | 2 Pages

    Agile approach is a pragmatic fashion of software development, wherein the requirements are flexible to the changing needs of the customers, fast paced markets and the iterations of software are implemented and delivered based on business priorities. Agile approach provides various benefits in implementing risky, small and medium sized projects where requirements are uncertain, while managing business and project risks. The value of any implementation is realized only if it delivers benefits to organization

  • The Importance Of Software Development

    1894 Words  | 4 Pages

    Software development is increasing rapidly in industry for the development of software systems for diverse fields and it continuously becoming a complex task (Hneif & Hockow, 2009). Over the last decade, this trend has significantly increased the importance of software engineering because now software has become an important component for every successful business. With the continuously increasing business demands and globalization trends organization moving towards the distributed software development

  • Advantages Of Agile Methodology

    1745 Words  | 4 Pages

    today, the traditional development methodologies such as waterfall method is no longer being an option for project managers (Livermore, 2008). Hence, agile methodology is proposed to overcome this issue. In this essay, we will be discussing on the difference between agile and traditional method, the hitches faced in agile, the things to consider when adopting agile, the project management methodologies, how tools are chosen for agile development, how testing are performed in agile environment, how developers

  • Communication in Distributed Agile Development: A Case Study

    822 Words  | 2 Pages

    Distributed software development (DSD)1 is becoming a common practice in modern software industry [e.g. 1], where the level of distribution can range from team members being located in the same city to those on different continents [2]. The significance of DSD has accelerated because of factors such as improving timetomarket through constant development across different timezones, quick formation of virtual teams and the benefits of business market advantages. These needs have driven the

  • Literature Review Of Xampp: A Literature Review On XAMP

    1348 Words  | 3 Pages

    Literature Review: XAMPP: XAMPP is a cross platform web server solution distributed by Apache. It is open source and free to use. The package contains most common web development technologies like Apache HTTP server, MySQL database, PHP and Perl programming languages and some additional optional packages depending on the operating system it is used on. The ‘X’ is read as a ‘cross’ which means cross-platform as it is available for more than one operating system. The package for different operating

  • Essay On Waterfall Model

    2239 Words  | 5 Pages

    Agile Waterfall Hybrid Model A Collaborative Approach Version 0.1 10-March-2014 REVISION HISTORY Version Effective Date (DD/MM/YYYY) Brief Description of Change Affected Section(s) Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By 0.1 27-Feb-14 Initial Draft Harshpal Singh TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Overview 6 2 Waterfall Model 7 2.1 Advantages of Waterfall Model 7 2.2 Disadvantages of Waterfall Model 7 3 Agile Model 8 3.1 Advantages of Agile Model 8 3.2 Disadvantages of Agile Model 8 4 Collaborative (Hybrid) Model

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Waterfall Methodology

    1282 Words  | 3 Pages

    TRIARQ Healthcare Agile development is not a methodology in itself. It is an umbrella term that describes several agile methodologies. At the signing of Agile Manifesto in 2001, these methodologies included Scrum, XP, Crystal, FDD, and DSDM. Since then, lean practices have also emerged as a valuable agile methodology and so are included under the agile development umbrella. Most agile development methods break product development work into small increments that minimize the amount of up-front planning

  • Analysis of a Project Management Methodology

    2271 Words  | 5 Pages

    to handle deviations and the various communication channels between the project members, the project and all the stakeholders. (2, n.d.) Disadvantage of prince 2 When ... ... middle of paper ... ... [Accessed 20 october 2013]. onlineprince2, n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 1 november 2013]

  • Agile Project Management

    4112 Words  | 9 Pages

    Beginnings of Agile Agile project management is widely used by Information Technology professionals for software development. It was not always this way. In the earlier stages of development the norm was to use “heavy” methodologies such as Waterfall or Spiral for software development. These other methods were criticized for having too many regulations and being unable to adapt to project changes. People understood these methods were flawed because IT teams were not delivering software that met the