The periodic table contains many different kinds of elements which are placed accordingly on the table. Potassium is in the alkali metals which is placed in group 1 of the table, alkali metals are among the most active metals. This element was found in 1801 by a man named Humphry Davy. Although the element does not have many uses in pure form as a compound it has many important purposes. Potassium is naturally in the human body if levels become too low or too high then it could cause problems for the individual. Low levels of potassium could cause muscle problems such as cramping and the muscle feeling weak, the person could have a hard time walking or holding onto objects. A serious concern would be the effects on the heart as it causes blood pressure to increase and abnormal heart rhythms.
This element when becoming an isotope can become radioactive due to its high activity as a metal. In its natural state it is a soft metal and it has a shiny “ wax “ like silver/white color to it, it is so soft that a knife could cut through it without a problem.
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Keywords: elements, compound, alkali metal The periodic table is composed of 118 different elements all of which vary in many ways from each other. There are many different states that elements can be in the table has each element placed in a spot directly focused on the element, therefore, it will be surrounded by elements that are similar to itself. Potassium is one element on the periodic table that is an alkali metal which are extremely reactive and can form very strong bonds. Elements on the periodic table are organized according to periodic trends: electronegativity, ionization energy, electron affinity, and metallic character. Electronegativity is the ability of an element to attract and bind with electrons. Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from a neutral atom in its gaseous phase. Electron affinity is the ability of an atom to accept an electron. Metallic character of an element can be defined as how readily an atom can lose an electron. Because Potassium is low in each of these trends, it is found on the left side and three up from the bottom on the periodic table, and this is because electronegativity, ionization energy, and electron affinity of an element increase as you move to the right and up from the left on the periodic table. Potassium also has a very high metallic character. Because metallic character is the opposite of the three periodic trends previously stated, metallic character increases as you move left and up on the periodic table. Potassium has an extremely important role in the human body itself it works in preventing life-threatening diseases such as heart disease and other lifelong chronic diseases. Without it inside of the human body it is the hypothesis that there would be a large increase in the human population with cardiovascular diseases even the possible risk of increased deaths in the human population. Potassium was first prepared in pure form by Humphry Davy in 1807. He used a method that isolated elements he invented call electrolysis.Potassium was the first element to be separated through this process. When Davy was doing an experiment with potash and soda ash he produced pure potassium. When naming the element he took that experiment and came up with “potash” and “soda ash” and came up with potassium. It is also found in food such as bananas and in medications that are essential for certain health conditions. Potassium is one of the most common elements found in the earth's crust. Davy ( 1778 - 1829 ) was a son of a woodcarver, he taught himself theology, philosophy, poetics, seven different languages, and several sciences including chemistry. He took a position at Thomas Beddoes Pneumatic Institution in 1798 where he researched prevention and cure of diseases and discovered new gasses. He wrote books one on Chemical and Philosophical Chiefly writing about his concerns of Nitrous Oxide ( laughing gas ) and its respiration. He recommended that be used in minor surgeries, but he was ignored. It became popular at social gatherings instead. Davy became a fellow at the Royal Society in 1803 and served as president from 1820 - 1827. There not many uses from potassium in pure due to it being so highly reactive although it has importance in many different compound forms.
Such as Potassium Carbonate ( CK2O3 ) has an average mass of 138.206 Da. It’s appearance is a powder that is white in color. It is stable and incompatible with moisture and acids.Potassium carbonate is used in pharmaceutical labs to help aid in the drying process. Potassium Nitrate ( KNO3) has an average mass of 101.103 Da with a colorless crystal appearance or in white powder form. It is soluble in water, glycerol, and liquid NH3. It is stable and a strong oxidizer that has a melting point at 334 degrees celsius.Potassium nitrate is found in fertilizers, gunpowder, and in fireworks. Potassium hydrogen carbonate ( KHCO3 ) has an average mass of 100.115 Da and is stable. It also has a white powder or crystal appearance with a melting point at 100 degrees
celsius. Potassium is one of the alkali metals which are the elements that make up Group 1 of the periodic table the most active of the metals. Potassium, in fact, is so active that it rarely occurs free in nature. It will almost always be in compounds combined with other elements. Potassium has a melting point at 147 degrees fahrenheit and a boiling point at 1398 degree fahrenheit under normal conditions it will be a solid in room temperature. Potassium has a symbol on the table which is K and the atomic number is 19 with an atomic mass of 39.00983. The symbol is K because in the latin language the K comes from the word Kalium which comes from the word postah. Which is what Davy was working with to get the substance of Potassium. Potassium has two isotopes that are stable K-39 and K-41 both that are very important in the study of life they are used on research with plants as well a the human cardiovascular system. Potassium does have other isotopes that it is in, but they are unstable (radioactive.) Potassium, in its stable state, has 19 protons, 20 neutrons, and 19 electrons. Although Potassium does not usually occur in pure form it has many other purposes as a compound.The compounds together serve in many different ways such as in laboratories and in machines that people use daily.Potassium's founder Davy was a man who had many successful chemistry experiments and received honors for his intelligence. Looking at the periodic table itself some obvious traits are known right away such as the group what metal it is even the mass of the element. Potassium is part of many different important functions such as being an important function inside the human body and being inside the earth's crust. Without this important element it would cause life to change dramatically and possibly cause life threatening problems.
The purpose of the Unknown White Compound Lab was to identify the unknown compound by performing several experiments. Conducting a solubility test, flame test, pH paper test, ion test, pH probe test, conductivity probe test, and synthesizing the compound will accurately identified the unknown compound. In order to narrow down the possible compounds, the solubility test was used to determine that the compound was soluble in water. Next, the flame test was used to compare the unknown compound to other known compounds such as potassium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium carbonate. The flame test concluded that the cation in the unknown compound was potassium. Following, pH paper was used to determine the compound to be neutral and slightly
The technique used to narrow down the identity of unknown white compound were solubility test, pH test, flame test, and ion test. The first technique used to narrowed the properties of unknown white compound was using solubility test. To conduct solubility test, 0.25 gram of unknown white compound was dissolved in 100 mL of water. After carefully observing the change while string unknown white compound in water, the unknown white compound was soluble because it dissolved in water completely. Using bursen burner, matches and deionized water, flame test was conducted for unknown compound and it burned lilac color. Then compared the color of unknown white compound to other compound that were narrowed. The results of flame test for compounds that were narrowed down is shown in the following table. The pH test was conducted using litmus paper. 0.50 gram of unknown white compound was measured and dissolved in 10 mL of water in beaker. After dissolving, placed the litmus paper in solution and recorded the pH value of unknown compound which was neutral. Then compared the pH value of unknown white compound to compound that were narrow down. The pH result of the KCL, KNO3, NaCl, and K2SO4 is presented in the following table. The ion test was also conducted in order to make sure that the identity of unknown white compound was matched with the compound that were narrow down. After conducting the test, the result of unknown white compound which formed precipitate compared to KCl, KNO3,NaCl, and K2SO4. The results shown in the following
Although some of the elements have been known for thousands of years, our understanding of many elements is still young. Mendeleev’s first Periodic Table contained only 63 elements, and about that many were discovered in the following 100 years. Just like countries, emperors, philosophers, and cities, elements have histories, too.“The Disappearing spoon” by Sam Kean, is a detailed history of the elements on the Periodic Table. Kean does a important job of telling every single element’s journey throughout the history of mankind: from the earliest times, when chemistry was intermingled with alchemy, to these days of modern chemistry. For example: Thallium is considered the deadliest element, pretending to be potassium to gain entry into our cells where it then breaks amino acid bonds within proteins. The CIA once developed a plan to poison Fidel Castro by dosing his socks with thallium-tainted
The % composition by mass of oxygen in Potassium Chlorate was found to be 43.4%.
Together extra-renal factors (insulin, epinephrine, aldosterone) and renal factors maintain a normal potassium plasma concentration in the body. The extra-renal mechanisms are responsible for moving potassium into the intracellular compartment. The renal mechanisms are responsible for chronic maintenance of body potassium content. When these mechanisms are functioning correctly, large intake of potassium has a minor and insignificant effect on the potassium concentration in the plasma. [5&6]
The only way to decrease concentrations of this isotope is through radioactive decay which would therefore stabilize the isotope. Strontium is also a very small key player in the toothpaste industry. It serves as an ingredient in the toothpaste of Sensodyne, which is used to help those that suffer from sensitive teeth. Besides being used in all these industries, Strontium is also used to refine Zinc and make it free from impurities and other extra stuff. It helps to reduce the impurities that are present from Lead. Lead is such an element that it contains many different elements inside of it, such as Zinc, Bismuth, Antimony, etc. Strontium helps to isolate these elements and make them appear in the pure form. Strontium was also used to create one of the world's first atomic clock. Atomic clocks help keep accurate time, and they are used all over the world in many different fields. It is amazing to see how a small invention can change the world. In conclusion, Strontium is a very fascinating element that has many functions and it also serves many roles in a variety of
Two chemists came upon the discovery and those two are: Sir William Ramsay, who is from Scotland, and Morris M. Travers who is from our homeland. This element was founded on May 30, 1898. The way that those two came upon the element Krypton was that they first found the elements Argon and Helium. From using their common knowledge they figured that there had to be some elements between those two on the periodic table, so they did a ton of experiments and through trials and trials they came up with a couple more elements and one of those elements was Krypton. Next the essay will discuss the shape of Krypton and where it is found.
Calcium and Potassium modifications are specialized individual according to a specific disease, age and inadequate amounts of calcium or potassium higher or lower than normal value.
The Solubility of Potassium Nitrate Aim To investigate how the solubility of Potassium Nitrate is affected by Temperature. Background Knowledge Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) is an ionic compound. The strong ionic bonds hold the compound in an ionic lattice which gives KNO3 its crystalline structure. These ionic bonds also have other properties which will affect my investigation, I must be aware of these properties for greater accuracy in my method.
Sodium originated from the Arabic word “suda” meaning headache because sodium carbonate was used as a headache remedy. It is also one of the most well-known compounds to ancient people (Newton). It is a component of sodium chloride (NaCl) which is found everywhere in nature (Sodium Lenntech). Sodium is the sixth most abundant element in the Earth’s crust and the second most abundant element dissolved in sea water (Sodium Lenntech). Although sodium is abundant on Earth, it is never found in free nature (The Element). Our bodies need sodium in order to work properly. The body needs sodium to help control the muscles and nerves (Sodium in). The body also uses sodium to control volume and blood pressure. Sodium is a slivery-white metal that always occurs as part of a compound (Newton). It is very easy to cut and when it is cut it changes to a very dull color because it is exposed to oxygen (Sodium Lenntech). Sodium must be stored in a moisture free environment because it is very highly reactive (Element). It has a chemical symbol of Na, and has an atomic mass of 22.99 and a periodic number of three (Bentor). It was founded hundreds of years ago.
Magnesium, also known as atomic number 12 was discovered in 1808 by Sir Humphry Davy who was a British Chemist best known for his experiments in electro-chemistry and his invention of a miner's safety lamp (BBC News, 2014). Magnesium is a chemical element with symbol Mg. Magnesium is a light, fairly strong, whitish, silver Alkaline Earth Metal that is the eighth most abundant element in the Earth's Mantle and the fourth most common element on earth, making up 13% of the planet's mass (Winter, 2011). Its atomic weight is 24.305.
The name comes from the Latin word alumen, for the mineral alum. The electron configuration is [Ne] 3s2 3p1. The element looks solid at room temperature and is a classification of other metals. Its crystal structure is cubic. Aluminum is not an element found in nature, it is found in the earth’s crust which is 8.2 percent of it. Aluminum is obtained from rocks called bauxite. It is the most available element. In the beginning, scientist suspected it was in the earth’s crust. There were many chemists who produced aluminum. The very first was Hans Christian Oersted in 1825. Its color is silvery-white with a bluish tint. The element is soft but it becomes strong and hard when combined with other elements. The atomic number of it is 13, which means that the atom has 13 protons therefore 13 electrons. It has 14 neutrons. The atomic weight is 26.98154. The melting point is 660.37 degrees Celsius. The boiling point is 2467 degrees Celsius. As for the atomic structure, the element has three energy levels. The first has 2, the second has 8 and the third has 3.
Radium is the 88th element on the periodic table, its family group is Alkaline Earth Metal. Radium is a chemical element with symbol Ra. Pure radium metal is bright white when freshly prepared, but blackens once it is exposure to air. Radium has been used to produce neutron sources, luminous paints, and medical radioisotopes. Marie Curie is known to be the mother of science, due to Marie several discoveries, Mrs. Curie made up most of the Earth metals in the periodic table. Marie discovered Radium and other key elements, which help us in our daily lives, especially taking x-rays. Marie was also the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes in both physics and chemistry.