Population Increase In The 1700's Essay

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Today, in American society, many people believe that being overweight is unhealthy, but back in the 1700’s, being overweight was what every person wanted to be. In the 1700’s, having a little extra weight showed that that person had good food and was therefore more likely to survive. Before the 1700’s, many people in Europe died from starvation and disease, resulting in little population growth. During the 1700’s was when that all changed. The population increase in the 1700s to 1800s was due to a declined mortality rate caused by changes in Europe’s economy, society, and culture. The economic changes in Europe in the 1700’s led to the population increase. Before the 1700’s, most of Europe was poor. With a large influx of silver, there was …show more content…

Before the population increase, the Black Death prevailed, famines led to food deprivation, hunger led to weak immune system, and people married at older ages, decreasing the number of children born. From the 1350’s to the 1720’s, the Black Death plagued Europe. This disease attacked the people of all ages, killing almost every person it infected. The emergences of the plague throughout the 1350’s to 1720’s kept Europe’s population from increasing. Another factor was bad harvests. When famine struck, many families starved because of the inability to buy or grow food. With less food on the table, people’s immune systems became weak, making them more susceptible to diseases such as the plague. Before the 1700’s many people could not put food on the table because they did not have enough money. To have a more stable family, many men and women postponed marriage until they could be financially stable. They gained stability by working, gaining the inheritance after their father’s death, or not gaining stability at all. Waiting to gain stability, prevented men and women from marrying at a younger age and prevented them from having more …show more content…

Before the 1700’s, European culture was not a prosperous culture. The methods Europeans practiced in farming and in war led to a high mortality rate.. Before the 1700’s, peasants used a method of farming called the open field system. This system was one large field that the entire village farmed on and every other year, there would be a fallow, which was a year when nothing was planted so the field could regain it’s nutrients. When famine hit, the results were more disastrous because the entire crop, which supported the entire village, could be destroyed, leading to starvation in the village. Another aspect, which caused no population growth, was the wars that occurred before the 1700’s. Many of these wars were very harmful to the land. Soldiers destroyed good land for farming and crops, leading to more starvation. During the 1700’s, the agriculture and wars changed to create a more prosperous culture. With the 1700’s, came the agricultural revolution. This revolution brought new methods for farming such as enclosures and crop rotation. Enclosures were fenced off portions of field, breaking apart the single open field that many peasants were accustomed to. The use of enclosures along with the use of crop rotation, rotating crops that deplete nutrients and restore nutrients to eliminate the fallow, resulted in an increase in food production and also competition between farmers to

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