Population Growth Equals Greater Demand of Goods

755 Words2 Pages

The prices for these luxury goods are getting more expensive rather than

cheaper, so why are these sales escalating? Population growth is one

possibility as the greater the population, the greater the demand.

Society today is based on the fundamental concept of supply and

demand. If the demand increases the quantity supplied will rise. If

the demand decreases the quantity supplied will diminish. However, the

fluctuation in demand for all products is based on numerous factors

such as price, population, income, advertising and more influential

than price, taste. The Toronto Star printed an article on luxury items

and how these extravagant goods are now in higher demand than ever

before. Expensive brand names such as Lamborghini, Prada and Tiffany &

Co as well as castles are having a vintage year. Lavish homes in the

Toronto area that are worth $1.5 million were up 48 per cent in the

first half of 2005. Phil Soper, the president and CEO of Toronto-based

Royal LePage Real Estate Services commented after hearing about this

newfound data. "Sales in this price category have experienced the

highest year-over-year growth of all price categories since 1996."

The prices for these luxury goods are getting more expensive rather

than cheaper, so why are these sales escalating? Population growth is

one possibility as the greater the population, the greater the demand

because there are more people to contribute. As well, the

advertisement of these items on television and in films have played a

major role in heightening sales as luxury goods companies have mined

the celebrity-obsessed culture, and red-carpet events such as the

Toronto Film Festival to create huge demand for products. Income is

also a factor in the ri...

... middle of paper ...

...atisfy demand. This shortage could start an auction

atmosphere, where the demand at this price is pushed up towards the


Supply and Demand

Luxury Goods

At the equilibrium, the quantity supplied meets the quantity demanded.

A surplus means that there is an excess of supply, that is, the supply

goes beyond the demand expectations. This would result in the lowering

of prices to effectively sell the supply.

Although right now they are increasing at great rates, analysts agree

that the very high end of the market will be the first to be hit if

the economy suddenly takes a nosedive, since discretionary purchases

are generally the first to go. This thought probably enters the mind

of every company head each and every day, but until that day comes

they will keep enjoying their continued success of the brilliant

concept of supply and demand.

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