Polyester Lab Report

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Based on the data obtained, Table 1 shows that the polyester formed from ethylene glycol and phthalic anhydride formed a red/ violet/ brown color; it also had a hard/ solid viscosity and was brittle when pressure was applied. This type of result was expected from ethylene glycol because this sort of polyester is linear and results from each of the starting materials having 2 functional groups. It is also an example of a thermoplastic polymer, meaning that it is soft above a certain temperature, however, solidifies upon cooling. Table 1 also shows that the polyester formed from glycerol and phthalic anhydride had a brown color, a sticky/ solid viscosity, and did not break apart when pressure was applied. However, this result was not expected because the glycerol and phthalic anhydride polymer were supposed to be clear in color and have a hard/ solid viscosity. When phthalic anhydride and glycerol reacted, a cross-linked polyester with thermosetting properties was formed. The most likely reason that the polymer did not form properly could be due to not fully removing all of the water from the polymer. Table 2 shows that 174.5 inches of nylon-6,6 fibers were obtained. This is a large amount of fibers to obtain in this experiment and is an example of a step-growth polymerization. …show more content…

Also, another possible error could be that the organic and aqueous layer were agitated when making nylon-6,6. An improvement for this procedure could be to test the strength of the nylon-6,6 fibers. Another improvement for this procedure could be to add more NaOH to the hexamethylenediamine and adipoyl chloride solution in order to make sure that the chlorine is

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