In society today, it is clear that there is a high expectation placed on police officers to be able to solve crime in a timely and just fashion. How can police agencies help ensure that they are meeting the interests of society? A step that police agencies have been taking in order to meet the needs of society is training police officers the skills and techniques required to conduct a successful interview. Interviews that have been conducted in a successful manner will help to give a better understanding of what occurred during an incident. The video “An Overview of Investigative Interviewing” by EBS Trust (1998) covers an interview conducted by an investigating officer of a lady who was victimized by being robbed and assaulted. The interviewer …show more content…
In the video by EBS Trust (1998), the interviewer did several things that were positive in nature, helping in the interview process. At the start of the interview, the interviewer started the interview in a positive way by talking with the lady and explaining to her that she can take a break at any point in the interview and can call anyone she feels she needs to (EBS Trust, 1998, 2:06). By doing this It helped to put the lady at ease and set the interview in a positive direction by removing any apprehension about the interview (Maze, 2017). The interviewer shows that he is listening and is interested in what the lady is saying by nodding his head, the use of confirming paraphrases, and by paraphrasing back to the lady what she is saying (EBS Trust, 1998, 12:30, 12:45). By doing this the interviewer makes the lady feel comfortable telling the interviewer what occurred because she feels he cares. At 13:28 in the video by EBS Trust (1998) the interviewer picked up on a non-verbal cue that the lady being interviewed was starting to feel overwhelmed. The interviewer stepped in to give the lady a break from telling what happened by paraphrasing what she had …show more content…
The interviewer was effective in using the 7 stages of an interview, which aided in the success of the interview (Maze, 2017, slide 13). The interviewer introduced to the lady what her role was in the interview, which was to tell him what happened in a story like fashion. The interviewer worked to establish rapport throughout the interview process this helped to make the lady more comfortable explaining what happened. The interviewer broached the subject in an effective way by just getting straight to the point of what the lady was there for, this helped to reduce apprehension about the interview. The interviewer allowed the victim to tell her story with few interruptions. The interviewer used clarification question in sever instances in order to get a better understanding of what the lady was trying to say. The interviewer confirmed information obtained by paraphrasing what the lady said back to her to make she they were on the same page. The interviewer concludes the interview in a positive way by thanking the lady for her time but should have told her if she remembers anything about the incident that may be of help to the investigation to contact him. The interview room was also set up in an effective way because of how the chairs were placed at an
I wanted to look at the investigative and criminal procedures following the arrest of an alleged criminal and the powerful effects via testimonies and evidence (or lack thereof) it can have on a case.There is an importance of the courts in regards to crime that can’t be over looked. The primary function of the criminal justice system is to uphold the established laws, which define what we understand as deviant in this society.
Majority of the interview was based from questions that surfaced as she would answer previous questions,
In order to diminish police brutality, excessive force, and prejudice behaviors in the police officers, several actions must be set in motion. The police hiring process, training, in-field monitoring, and disciplinary actions must be adjusted to eliminate discriminatory actions against citizens. Likewise, it is a necessity for citizens to be informed of their rights, civil liberties, and how they can resolve corruption within the justice system. These actions seek to shrink the number of minorities who are racial profiled and brutalized by police officers. A more stringent hiring process, it will help curtail unethical and unprofessional police officers. Police training must be altered so that situations are handled safely and impartial. In-field monitoring with eliminate police officers from managing to catch police officers who brutality handle citizens. Disciplinary actions help to prosecute police officers to break the law. Lastly, if citizen are informed of what they should about corrupt police officers and a poor justice systems.
...he interviewers were trained to ensure that interviews were conducted in a fully confidential and relaxed mode, free from any consequence to the respondent.
While on the job, police must put all their personal opinions aside. They must provide everyone with an equal and fair chance. It is important in a democratic society for police to not know too much about the community they are policing. It allows them to ...
Born and raised on the Big Island of Hawaii, Captain Sameul Jelsma of Pahoa Police Station has served as a police officer for more than two decades. He is the commander of the station and he oversees the lower Puna district. Before he joined the Hawaii Police Department, he served in the US military. When he was in the army, he decided to come back and serve his own community. He was initially enlisted as a patrol officer but his commitment and hard work rewarded him with promotions as the result of which he became a captain.
It is a myth to believe that an officers job is spend fighting dangerous crimes, in reality officers spend more time handing smaller cases. For example, police officers spend a lot of time doing daily tasks such as giving speeding tickets and being mediators in disputes (Kappeler & Potter, 2005). Handing out speeding tickers and handling minor disputes are far from fighting crime. Police officers spend more time doing preventive measures (Kappeler & Potter, 2005). Preventive measures involve officers intervening to prevent further altercations. Victor Kappeler and Gary Potter discussed the myth of crime fighting as invalid and misleading notions of an officer’s employment.
Criminal profiling, first undertaken within the nineteen-seventies, has been used throughout thousands of police investigations from bureaus all over the globe, currently some question their practicality in police investigations. This essay argues the utility of offender profiling in police investigations. Police Investigations utilize Offender and Criminal Profiling methods because it narrows the field of investigation, needs diminutive physical evidence to begin investigations and uses victimology to predict future actions of the offender.
Interviews are very popular among most individuals especially researchers and scholars as they attempt to obtain information and data from an interviewee. However, there are many factors that influence the interview and which determines its success or failure. Often, the interviewer takes charge of the situation, and they have the sole responsibility of asking the questions while the interviewee provides an explanation or an answer to the question asked. As a result, an interview can be defined as a consultation or a discussion in person through which information and data are exchanged regarding a particular phenomenon event with the intention of establishing the interviewee’s position. It is easy to tell the mood and success of the interview
The ability of police to exercise discretion was originally designed to allow officers to maintain the peace by allowing certain types of crime to remain unpunished in certain circumstances. This essay will aim to explore the issue of police discretion that suggests that the application of discretion works against the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In drawing this conclusion, this essay will examine the relationship between policing ideals and the use of discretionary powers and the relationship between policing attitudes and the use of discretionary powers. A discussion regarding the use of police discretion towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples can scarcely be mentioned without making reference to arguably the greatest failing by a police officer since indigenous Australians were formally recognised as citizens. Further to this, the case of Mulrunji Doomadgee (Cameron) will be examined from the point of view of officer discretionary powers. The penultimate point to be made will involve the Anglo Australian response to this case as well as the ongoing relationship between indigenous Australians and the institutions that govern them. As mentioned, the first point will involve policing ideals and their relationship to discretionary powers.
Young people and the police have, for many years, experienced a tense and confrontational relationship (Borgquist & Johnson et al., 1995). This has led to a great wealth of literature based upon the notion of police-youth interaction. Much of this literature has tended to focus upon juvenile criminality and the reasons why young people commit such seemingly high levels of crime. Whilst the relationship between young people and the police force has been widely theorised and explained, there is very little literature on juvenile attiudes towards the police. Research that concerns societies attitudes towards the police force tends to focus upon the views and opinions of adults (Hurst and Frank, 2000). In this first section of my literature review I am going to focus upon work that allows us to gain a deeper understanding of why young people are so important when looking at crime. This section will allow us to comprehend the ways in which, literature suggests, young people view the police. This knowledge will provide a basis for my research in which I look more specifically at youth attitudes towards PCSO’s.
Mass media often times portrays a negative impact on police officer. There are few individuals who gives negative impression towards cops but will call upon these officers once it suitable for their needs. The primary role of a police officer is to protect and serve. Before one should critique about a police officer, especially the way in which society view’s a officer, it is significant to understand the role, responsibilities, and different types of officers as well as Detective. (DA). In a simple definition police officers protect lives and property while a detective gather facts and collect evidence of possible crime. “Police Officer or Detectives”.
During the analysis phase, the interviewer uses several techniques to observe and analyze the subject's behavior “to determine the subject's truthful and deceptive behaviors or at least to determine those areas most sensitive to the subject and, therefore, in need of further attention through verbal inquiry” (Walters 3). Walters describes four fundamental stages of the interview: (1) orientation, (2) narration, (3) cross-examination, and (4) resolution (Id. at 25-29).
Police psychology is broadly defined as the application of psychological principles and methods to law enforcement. With the popularity of television shows like Criminal Minds and Law & Order: SVU, the job of a police psychologist has become more well known and even popular. As seen on these shows, a police psychologist can be helpful in profiling a criminal, but they also provide many other services to the members of a police department. Although the development of this field has a long history, police psychology as a separate entity is still relatively recent and growing. This intimate relationship between psychology and law enforcement can be traced back to almost a century ago.[1] It first developed out of a need for a variety of psychological services in the law enforcement field, including screening applicants and counseling during grief and stress situations. In the time that it has been around, it has proved to be a valuable resource for the law enforcement profession.
On Tuesday, September 23rd, I had the opportunity to do a ride along with the Takoma Park police department. My ride along was quite interesting. I rode with Officer Carl, a twenty-six-year-old officer who has been with the police department for six months. During the ride along we engaged in so many conversations concerning his work routine, and some the important things to be aware of as a police officer. Officer Carl and I were about the same age group so I felt much comfortable talking to him. Before I went for the ride along I had a different perspective about police work, I thought police work was much amusing and entertaining, but after the ride along with Officer Carl, I have realized that there is much more to police work and it often