Plant Pigment Essay

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Photosynthesis is a vital process used by plants, some protists, and cyanobacteria in which the light energy coming from the sun is transformed into chemical energy. Chemical energy, then, can be used for cellular processes and stored in the form of glucose, which is essential for life on earth since it fuels the metabolic process of cells (Morris & Moat, 2016, p.227). The purpose of this experiment is to separate and analyze photosynthetic pigments and determine the absorption spectrum of spinach leaves.
The process of photosynthesis can be shown by the following equation:
6CO2 + 6H2O + light C6H12O6 + 6O2
Photosynthesis occurs in a series of steps. First, the needed carbon dioxide enters a plant’s leaves through the pores in the …show more content…

This organelle contains several photosynthetic pigments that absorb light energy such as chlorophyll, which are the primary pigments involved in photosynthesis, and carotenes and xanthophylls. Photosynthesis would not be able to work if plants would not have such pigments. Each different pigment reflects a certain color of light and absorb other colors. The function and color absorption of each pigment is summarized in the table below.

Plant Pigment Function Color Absorption Color reflection
Chlorophyll a Principal chlorophyll; plays a significant role in the photosynthesis Blue-violet and red light Dark green
Chlorophyll b Transfers the light energy it absorbs to chlorophyll a Blue and orange light Light green
Carotenes Increase the overall absorbance of light energy by absorbing light that is not absorbed by the chlorophylls Mainly absorb blue-green light Orange
Xanthophylls …show more content…

Record this data in the Rf values table. Place the chlorophyll a (blue-green) from the chromatography paper into a small beaker and add 10 ml of acetone. Stir the mixture to dissolve chlorophyll a. Fill a cuvette with the dissolved chlorophyll A, and another cuvette with pure acetone. The cuvette with pure acetone will be used as the “blank”. Turn on the spectrophotometer Measure the absorbance of the chlorophyll a from 380 nm to 720 nm in an increment of 20 nm. Record the results in the Absorption Spectrum of Chlorophyll a table.
Careful note: Pour all of the liquids used in this experiment in a fume hood.
Unfortunately, I was not able to attend to lab the day this experiment was conducted. However, if I would have, I would have plug the data found by measuring the paper chromatography in the table below. Moreover, I would have also plug the data from the spectrophotometer on the table in the next page.
Plant Pigment Distance traveled by pigment Distance traveled by solvent Rf Color
Chlorophyll a N/A N/A N/A Dark green/blue
Chlorophyll b N/A N/A N/A Light green
Carotenes N/A N/A N/A Orange red
Xanthophylls N/A N/A N/A

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