Pitbulls Should Be Banned Essay

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Everyone loves dogs right? They’re a man’s best friend. Then why is it that people say Pitbulls should be banned as a pet? Dogs are a mans best friend because they’re loyal. Pit Bulls can be dangerous, but they can also be lovable if they are trained right. The first reason they shouldn’t be banned is because of how they are raised. If they are abused or neglected, they are going to be mean because their instinct is going to kick in. They’re going to protect themselves. If they have puppies, they are going to protect them as well. So, if they’re abused by their owners and never have the right care taken of them, they’re going to be mean and act out. They were bred to fight so they’re going to look aggressive. Nearly 51% of dog accidents are involved with Pitbulls (Lallanilla). They may look mean but if they have the right care taken for them they can be the sweetest dog ever. When I lived in Arizona for a few months there was wild dogs and one of which was a Pitbull. It was the sweetest dog ever, even with being wild. One day he decided to attack my grandpa for no reason. Since they look mean, most people train them to be mean and frightening. Most people that neglect and abuse them, keep them chained up outside or fenced in a certain area. Would you like …show more content…

There should be a class to understand how to care for them. They are a dangerous dog because they can be belligerent and have a lock-jaw. Consequently with the correct training and understanding what these dogs are capable of, they could be an amazing breed of dog. The class could cover how to take action if they do attack someone. It could also talk about how to train them and understand how they react to certain situations they are in. If the classes taken for Pit Bulls was an act for the owners to do, then maybe Pit Bulls would be more and more understood and less

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