Pit Bulls Research Papers

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“How Did Pit Bulls Get Such a Bad Rap?” Pit bulls, the most dangerous dog to ever live. People like to train Pit Bulls to fight other dogs until they are either hurt or dead. The owners that train the dogs are usually the ones that make the dog turn out to be vicious and dangerous. “Each year, 1.2 million dogs are euthanized, approximately 40% of whom are Pit Bulls”(Moore). Pit Bulls don’t know better to understand which is right from wrong since they’re being raised up to fight and protect. Pit Bulls aren’t good family dogs due to the power of their strength and that they could attack at any moment. The reason why Pit Bulls are aggressive is because it’s their nature and that’s the way they’re born. Everyone that is afraid of Pit Bulls says it’s the dog's fault and that it's their nature to fight and kill, but honestly it’s the owners fault for making them that way. “‘Though Pit Bulls have strong jaws and, like most dogs will hold onto their prey after biting it. There is no evidence that a Pit Bulls jaw are anatomically different from those of other breeds’”(Lallanilla). They are more likely than any other breeds to grab a hold of something and shake it. The reason why …show more content…

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Bastian, Jon. “How Did Pit Bulls Get Such a Bad Rap?” Cesar’s Way. Cesar’s Way Inc. 2015. Web. 12 May 2016.
Lallanilla, Mare. “Are Pit Bulls Really Dangerous?” Live Science. Live Science.
14 February 2013. Web. 12 May 2016.
Moore, Benjamin. “Here’s Why You See So Many Pit Bulls In Shelters.” Barkpost. Barkpost. 2016. Web. 12 May 2016.
Rock, Robin. “10 Reasons Why You Pit Bulls Rule.” Pet Finder. Pet Finder Foundation. 2015. Web. 12 May 2016.
Tierney, Robin. “Aggressive, Growling, Lunging At Dogs and People Outdoors.” Paw - Rescue. Paw - Rescue. 26 July 2014. Web. 12 May

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