Pilates Fusion

503 Words2 Pages

Exercise improves mental health. No surprise there. Simple to see such things as improved circulation, less inflammation, improved mood, behavioral changes that are positive. So says Shirley Archer, author of Pilates Fusion: Well-Being for Body, Mind and Spirit.

Physical activity improves the health of our brains by easing risk factors for mental health issues: diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, and inflammation. As blood flow is increased, nutrition is delivered more effectively and energy is gained. A lack of physical activity intensifies depression, such that simply getting more active is a natural anti-depressant – a recommendation I make regularly to patients that are depressed. Much the same with anxiety, which is eased by more intensive physical activity.

Stress is an inherent part of the demands of exercise, but in healthy ways. Thus, regular exercise enhances a …show more content…

Having an exercise program that regularly shifts activities and levels of demand, keeps us off a rote process that becomes automatic without much learning at all. This process of learning and mastering new skills helps us earn feelings of self-esteem through concrete achievement.

If the exercise is shared in some ways, with others directly, or at least present, there is some social aspect as well. Social contact is inherently helpful for someone’s mood if the contact is pleasant and rewarding.

A workout that demands attention prompts a focus on the here-and-now. Being present in this mindful way automatically distracts away from negative thoughts, ruminations and worries that often are an inherent part of depression or anxiety. There is growing evidence about the benefits of mindfulness on mood and well-being, and exercise is one active form of mindfulness. As one of my longtime colleagues has expressed it: “It’s a moving

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