Physics Worksheet Case Study

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In the field of education, teachers use various tools to deliver their messages to students for a better understanding of the materials. In general physics classes at universities, one of the tools that are used to deliver the materials is a physics worksheet. A physics professor usually creates this worksheet to improve the abilities of students to solve physics problems and to use it as a guide for the exam. It contains two to three problems related to the materials covered in the class lectures. This worksheet is given to students in the discussion sections of the physics class, where they get to solve it in groups. However, it proved to be ineffective tool in communicating its goal because it lacks some instructions and guidelines regarding …show more content…

Two students agreed that working in groups is better than individual work. One student, Cameron Devers, says “the work gets done faster in groups.” Another student, Amena Alelg, thinks that working in groups helps her in solving the problems that she is not capable of. She says “working in groups is more interesting and helps keeping the physics concepts in mind.” In addition, both of the students agreed that most of the cases, not all of the students participate in solving the worksheet problems and there is one person who takes the responsibility of the whole group assignment. Regarding the idea of assigning roles, they think that this would be helpful and will ensure full participation of all members. Moreover, Devers said that the worksheet usually does not help very much in understanding the concepts and for it to be more effective; it must contain problems that are consistent with the class curriculum. On the other hand, Alelg thinks that this worksheet is ineffective because it lacks instructions. Students’ assertion that assigning roles and instructions should be written on the worksheet in order to make it clear and effective ensure that this worksheet is not the best and should be redesigned to achieve its

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