Philosophy of Aristotle and How It Relates to the Classroom

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Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher. He was a student of Plato and the teacher of Alexander the Great. Together with other Greek philosophers like Plato and Socrates, he is considered to be one of the most important figures in Western Philosophy.

Educational Philosophy

“All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.” –Aristotle

Aristotle is believed to be the father of the Realism and the scientific method. He was of the view that human nature, habit and reason were important elements that needed to be cultivated in the educational process. He believed that a balance between practical and theoretical subjects was very important. He had quite explicitly laid great emphasis on subjects like Sciences, Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Physical Education, History and Literature. His main aim, through education, was to produce virtuous citizens for the society.

He believed that the role of the teacher was very important in this aspect as they were the ones who hold the knowledge and through systematic teaching, they would ingrain in the child, what is right and what is wrong. He believed that a child is not aware of this knowledge initially and it is through the teacher’s guidance that he eventually becomes more aware of this. Hence, it becomes the teacher’s responsibility until the child learns to make choices on his own.

Influence on educational practices today

Aristotle, though he had formed his ideas thousands of years ago, his philosophy has a great impact on the education we receive today. The main idea of Aristotle was that through education and learning, children become good and virtuous individuals in socie...

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...tle, who believed that education and society go hand-in-hand. It was believed for a long time that education was a leverage used to elevate one’s social standing in society. But like Aristotle said, education and learning is so much more than that. It is a foundation upon which a stable society is constructed and if the foundation itself is shaky, it is not possible for a good society to develop.

Moreover, I believe every child in a classroom has something to offer. Every child entering the classroom has potential, the potential to bring something extraordinary and unique to the world. The classroom environment and the teachers need to be role models for students who allow them to grow morally, individually, spiritually and socially. Like Aristotle has said, teacher’s need to ingrain morals in students, and it is with education and learning we develop such values.

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