This is a long post but I think it is worth reading. All that has been on my mind since that school shooting yesterday is the hurt so many people in Florida are experiencing today. Parents waking up today facing the fact that they will never get to see their child again. It breaks my heart I can’t even imagine the heartache that they are going through. When I dropped my daughter off this morning at school as I was driving off I just asked the Lord to protect her because I never know that could have easily taken place at her school. Everywhere, tears are being shed for the families and friends of the precious, darling children, whose lives were mercilessly taken from them yesterday during that school shooting in Florida. The teachers and other adults who tried their best to defend the students are true heroes. …show more content…
Mother’s and Father’s, who must continue to put both feet on the floor and wade through the everyday tasks, duties, and relationships that await them but without their child. I pray for their strength and comfort. Most everyone is only thinking and praying for the families of those whose children were killed when as hard as it is for us as humans we also should be praying for the shooter Nikolas Cruz. I have read many comments where people say his name shouldn’t be mentioned and that he should burn in hell. The families of those left behind I am sure will find it very difficult to find it in their heart to pray for him. I must admit my first reaction when hearing of this wasn't to pray for him either. But that isn't what the bible instructs us to
During an interview of three family members, I was able to learn more information about the events of 9/11. My mom, Jamie Goldman, was the first person I interviewed. She told me she was helping a friend with her new business in Aiken, SC. She first heard on the radio, breaking news, that a plane had flown into one of the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center. Her first thought was that a plane had crashed accidentally. As the day went on, she learned of even more horrible acts against our country, and then realized our Nation was under attack from terrorist. My mom was heartbroken, scared, sad, and mad all at the same time. She struggles with forgiving the terrorist but knows that God would want her to forgive them. The song "God Bless the USA" is a song that helps my mom cope with the events of 9/11. My mom did not know anyone personally that was killed or injured on 9/11. She said, "after 9/11, our country has been a country at war. We have stopped loving our neighbors and instead, started judging them."
So, the Lake County High School student body was told today by Jimmy Snyder, that we will be having a school shooting drill sometime in the month of November. Therefore, be prepared for it at any given time of the school day. These people know about the upcoming drill: Parents, Staff, Policemen, and the
The patriotism swelled in my already overfilled heart. It doesn’t matter that our country is faced with humongous issues, and that Washington is more divided than ever. What matters is those men and women who gave their lives for this country. Every man, woman, child, white, black, straight, gay, Republican, Democrat, rich or poor, should pay their respects to those who rest in eternal peace at Arlington National Cemetery.
Death is never an easy thing to understand, though maybe some comic relief will help you out; we have the 10 most ironic deaths ever to occur in history. It may be cruel to find these events to be entertaining, but these deaths deserve some recognition. Look at it this way: they will never be forgotten! Read on to find out how it all happen, and just be thankful it didn’t happen to you. Also, don’t forget to check back soon for our part two article, with the five most ironic deaths of them all!
On December 14th 2012, just 11 days before Christmas, an awful tragedy happened in Newtown, Connecticut. Twenty-six people were shot at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. This awful event left a lot of unanswered questions and rumors about that day. The reason for that is because the shooter killed himself after shooting twenty young children and six adults. This tragedy open the eyes of everyone; made you want to hug your loves one just a little tighter, appreciate what you still have and never take a day for granted. Even our president Barack Obama felt the pain of all those who lost their loved ones in this event. He insured everyone that he will do everything in his power to make sure a tragedy like this will not happen again. However, did you know that there have been over 44 school shootings since the tragedy of Sandy Hook Elementary shooting? I know as a future teacher and mother I want to make sure my children are safe in this world and even at school. I want to be able to make a difference in this issue and have some knowledge to have I can do that. The society should understand what really happen during the Sandy Hook event, the reasons behind why school shootings/violence are rapidly increasing each year, and have some knowledge about what we, as a society, can do to help in order for us to start seeing a decrease of these events.
I am tired of living in total fear that my school, town, or any other public place will be the new breaking news of a shooting. No person right in the head will go around shooting up a school or anywhere else because they were angry at the people there. If we want to actually do something other than cry we need to know the first step in how these things happen. 1)person makes plan 2)person buys gun 3)peruses plan. We may no be able to stop a person thought process but we can sure as heck change how someone messed up enough to kill people to buy a gun. There is no reason for those type of people to be aloud to. How am I supposed to go to school and leave my house without thinking "wow, this could be it". Today I walked out of school to see police
In honor of the heroes and heroines of this preposterous day, President Obama gives a heartbreaking speech about the Sandy Hook Shooting. The courageous fought for what was right. They showed how much a teacher is willing to do to protect the students. These people saved countless of children from death and parents from grief. It also sets an example, this admired other teachers to be more like them. Six staff members tried to stop a violence obsessed killer. These tragic figures will be remembered in the hearts of many people. If this happened in your school, would you be willing to give up this
This was a very informative article. I was unaware of all the deaths in result of gun violence. I didn’t realize that people who worked for the government or who was in congress were often targets. In order to fully get rid of gun violence in schools, each and every school should have metal detectors that can detect weapons and always have security guards on duty. By doing this, parents are more comfortable with sending their students off to school. Taking this step in every school around the world would definitely cost lots of money but it will honestly be worth it. After all the school shooting we’ve heard about, we’d definitely be saving plenty of lives just in case an incident does happen. I went to highschool in a rough neighborhood and
I am sure all of us have been affected in some way by the horrific tragedy that occurred at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado (April 1999). Certainly, our entire country grieves at the death of the many High School teens and faculty who were victims of meaningless violence. Sadly, the bullets of two Columbine students took the lives of thirteen people away.
I think it is agreed with all people in our country that this issue is not simply between the shooter and the children. It is a physical and mental danger to all that have to grieve the loss of a child. The sadness and disbelief puts our lawmakers at a standstill and it can no longer be tolerated with the severity and number of deaths. My intention is not simply a way to help the children, but to boost our country socially, as one that is progressive and thinking outside the box on this crucial issue. I have
I was watching TV with my friends kids and attempting to find a movie they might enjoy. Unluckily for the children I had to pass by consecutive news channels. At first I passed by quickly through the first three channels but then I noticed the rest of the news channels that I did happen to glimpse had headlines saying school shooting. I couldn't help but watch the news for a bit to fully understand the situation. I discovered that many young children at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut had been shot and died. I was saddened because of those children and parents who had to live through that experience.
When we talk about death by gun violence most people think about mass shooting at a school and it is very easy to fall into one of two categories. Either all gun violence deaths are cause by the gun or by the gun owner. But to understand gun violence deaths it is important to understand what exactly gun violence is. Gun violence is a combination of different circumstances: from kids finding his or her father’s gun to spree killing to mass murder to domestic violence to gang violence. Solutions cannot be found as one big idea; there is no “one size fits all.” Gun regulations should stay the as they are currently because too many laws make it harder for people who use guns for protection to get guns, criminals will get guns easier if there are
When the Sandy Hook massacre happened, it was the time to remember that my sister has a century of life to continue. As someone who taught the youth in summer school, there was actions I wanted to take when I heard the news. Here or there, the youth comes in all kinds of mentality and variations of troubles. Regardless, I thought it would take care of itself. Five years later, my sister is in high school and it is not any safer. I am complicit.
Eighty-nine people die from gun violence in the United States every day according to the Brady Campaign , from school children to victims of domestic violence to people going about their daily lives. As we mourn the lives of those killed in incidents of gun violence across the country, we need to take action. We should all do everything in our power to keep tragedies like this from happening again. When it comes to addressing mass shootings, we need new answers
In the United States there have been 142 school shootings since 2013. In Australia there has never been a school shooting. “A school shooting is a form of mass shooting involving a gun attack on an educational institution, such as a school or university”(Wikipedia). According to the United States Secret Service, a school shooting is where the school is purposely planned and selected as the location for the attack. A school shooting may occur between any individual, student, instructor, administrator and staff employed institution (Sinnamon, 2016). There is no one profile to describe a shooter but almost all attackers are students at the school. School shootings occur when anyone enters a campus and begins firing weapons such as a rifle, shotgun