Persuasive Speech On Refugees Research Paper

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• A three-year-old son drowns in search of freedom with his family and many others all crammed into a small, inflatable boat. A mother of four with a clean record is thrown in prison awaiting deportation while God knows what’s happened to her family. These stories are tragic yet commonplace in our fight against cruel denials of asylum and needless deaths on the path to freedom.
• As a part of America, and more importantly the Church, our job is to understand the Refugee and Immigration Crisis and the policies in place, reform our security concerning our Southern border, and better understand our role as followers of Jesus, who himself was a refugee.
Understanding Refugee Resettlement
• First things first who is a refugee?
• A refugee is defined as “someone who …show more content…

o Both attempted bans have been blocked, but refugee immigration has really gone down since the bans were set in place8.
• Last year, under Obama’s presidency, 84,995 refugees were admitted3 with a ceiling of 110,000. o Under Trump, this year’s refugee ceiling has been set to only 50,0004.
• The supposed reason for this ban was for national security, but since none of the alleged 72 terrorists from those seven banned, predominantly Muslim countries were responsible for any terrorist-related deaths in the US, that's obviously not the case9. o While life involves some risk, the security risks involved in welcoming resettled refugees are actually remarkably low, particularly compared to other threats.
 More Americans have been killed by dog attacks than by Islamic extremists terrorists.
• So, let’s just ban all dogs, let’s deport them back to Europe.
• This is only a brief summary of our refugee policy, but from what you’ve, I’m sure you can agree that this is not an easy process.
Mexican Immigration
• Let’s transition from global refugees to the crisis of immigration from our Southern

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