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Refugee crisis in the world essay
Problems of the refugee crisis
US immigration policy part 3
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• A three-year-old son drowns in search of freedom with his family and many others all crammed into a small, inflatable boat. A mother of four with a clean record is thrown in prison awaiting deportation while God knows what’s happened to her family. These stories are tragic yet commonplace in our fight against cruel denials of asylum and needless deaths on the path to freedom.
• As a part of America, and more importantly the Church, our job is to understand the Refugee and Immigration Crisis and the policies in place, reform our security concerning our Southern border, and better understand our role as followers of Jesus, who himself was a refugee.
Understanding Refugee Resettlement
• First things first who is a refugee?
• A refugee is defined as “someone who
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o Both attempted bans have been blocked, but refugee immigration has really gone down since the bans were set in place8.
• Last year, under Obama’s presidency, 84,995 refugees were admitted3 with a ceiling of 110,000. o Under Trump, this year’s refugee ceiling has been set to only 50,0004.
• The supposed reason for this ban was for national security, but since none of the alleged 72 terrorists from those seven banned, predominantly Muslim countries were responsible for any terrorist-related deaths in the US, that's obviously not the case9. o While life involves some risk, the security risks involved in welcoming resettled refugees are actually remarkably low, particularly compared to other threats.
More Americans have been killed by dog attacks than by Islamic extremists terrorists.
• So, let’s just ban all dogs, let’s deport them back to Europe.
• This is only a brief summary of our refugee policy, but from what you’ve, I’m sure you can agree that this is not an easy process.
Mexican Immigration
• Let’s transition from global refugees to the crisis of immigration from our Southern
A Refugee is a person who has been forced to leave their country because of the war or the
President Trump put a temporary ban on visitors and immigrants from seven muslim-majority countries. It was signed late last friday, and it blocked immigrants from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen for 90 days and it suspends the U.S. refugee program for 120 days.
The life of a refugee is not just a life of trials and ordeals, but also has rewards for those who pushed through the pain.
“If the protecting of our borders requires the incarceration of babies, the sexual abuse of children, the rape of women and the murder of men, then we are of all nations the most depraved.” This emotive statement from a man of the church, Father Rod Bower, touches a nerve with many of Australians. It is an acid test on our national consciousness. The shock of disturbed beliefs pushes us to reassess the foundation of our values.
Syrian refugees who are in desperate need of emotional, physical, mental support will feel disrespected and betrayed from not only their own country but America as well, which will lead to irrational actions. Maybe even joining terrorist groups to get back at America. In the past year there has only been four ISIS attacks in the United States. Most would agree the number would increase if Refugees are allowed into the States. On the other hand, some agree the numbers will increase if the refugees aren’t allowed in America, refugees will build hatred and eventually want to put that pain on America for denying them to enter the States. Although the United States has the option to deny Syrian refugees, the States has already increased the screening process for those incoming. Security has expanded and is being trained to their top performance if a security guard feel as though a refugee is sketchy they have to right to deny the incoming
Today, there are over 65 million refugees in the world. That means that one in every 113 people in the world is a refugee. To many, this number may seem extremely alarming. Many refugees struggle to find a place to resettle. America, along with other developed countries, has often been considered dreamland for these displaced people, making many wanting to get out of their war-torn houses and camps. Refugees immigrating to America have been displaced from their original homes, face frustrating immigration policies, and have difficulties starting a new life in a new land.
REFUGEE (p. 92): someone who is forced to migrate from his or her home country and cannot return for fear of persecution because of his or her race, religion, nationality, membership in a social group, or political opinion
Hundreds of people have marched in Brisbane to show their support for an innocent Iranian student who was sent to an immigration detention centre after spending two years living in the community. Mojgan Shamsalipoor had just been months away from completing high school, but her application for a visa to live in Australia had been rejected. Ms Shamsalipoor will now accept her year 12 certificate behind bars of Darwin’s Wickham immigration detention centre, where here on her life will never be the same again. What is life really like inside a closed detention centre? Well imagine a life torment with anxiety and depression or being surrounded by people with their lips sewn together on hunger strikes. There are people willing to die due to the immense torture inside what can only be described as hell. These are the devastating reality described by those who are forced by the Australian Government to live in.
To look for refuge in the United States a person must have a well-founded fear of mistreatment based on their race, ethnicity, religion, or political social affiliations. Refugees of various backgrounds had everything ripped away from them. It is the duty of the United States to put on an armor and protect these human beings, welcoming them to a different more comforting life. Many Americans, attract the refugee population by doing as much as they can, to achieve the goal of being as helpful as can be. Although others are concerned, on how much is too much, when it comes to helping the refugees. There must be an exception on the right amount of effort, to
CHAPTER ONE- SARAJEVO Record definitions for the following terms, refugee, immigration, emigration and illegal immigration. Refugee- A person who is forced to leave your country in order to escape war, persecution or natural disaster. Immigration- The act of someone who has come to live in a new country permanently.
While Syrian refugees are often labeled as terrorists, they are actually the opposite. Through research, - Lauren Gambino, Patrick Kingsley, and Alberto Nardelli - three writers from an English Newspaper, “The Guardian”, have found interesting results. They admit, “Syrian refugees are generally afraid of exactly the same thing that Americans are: Islamist terrorism” (Gambino 3). Considering that the Syrians are seeking an escape from the same exact thing that Americans are, why have they not been accepted into America? Like many of the 70,000 refugees who are accepted into the United States every year, Syrian refugees search for shelter from wars and hope of a prosperous future (Welsh 1). Teresa Welsh, a writer for the “U.S. News and World Report”, describes in her article “Why the U.S. Can’t Resettle Syrian Refugees” that “the U.S. should be doing more to help resettle those fleeing conflict and repressive governments in the Middle East and Asia” (Welsh 1). The Syrians desire escape from a repressive government with no chance of rebuilding a better future; therefore, they seek support from outside countries, like the United States and other European
A refugee is defined as an individual who has been forced to leave their country due to political or religious reasons, or due to a threat of war or violence. There were 19.5 million refugees worldwide at the end of 2014, 14.4 million under the mandate of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), around 2.9 million more than in 2013. The other 5.1 million Palestinian refugees are registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). With the displacement of so many people, it is difficult to find countries willing to accept all the refugees. There are over 125 different countries that currently host refugees, and with this commitment comes the responsibility of ensuring these refugees have access to the basic requirements of life: a place to live, food to eat, and a form of employment or access to education.
The first chapter of the book provides a highly informative background and history to the concept of refugees, as well as their relevance to the modern international political system. The authors importantly point out that defining a refugee is not simply a matter of academic concern because resulting definitions may mean the difference between life and death for people in conflict zones. Defining a refugee involves political and ethical considerations, inevitably creating disagreement regarding the issue. For example, when refugees are defined in a certain way by the United Nations, research will consequently revolve around such definitions and will help support the status quo of the institut...
Kaohsiung, Taiwan is among the oldest of the Cebu City Government’s Sister Cities. This relationship was formally established on February 6, 1969 under the leadership of Mayor Eulogio E. Borres and Hon. Florencio S. Urot as expressed through Resolution No. 229 entitled “A Resolution creating the sister city relationship between Cebu City and Kaohsiung City, Taiwan Province, Republic of China.” This resolution cited the similarities between Cebu City and Kaohsiung, Taiwan which made them compatible for each other, due to their characteristics (1) of being the second biggest city in their respective countries not only in population but also in commerce and industry, (2) of being port cities, (3) of being the first to have an export processing zone (4) of having common aspirations of obtaining progress and prosperity for its residents and (5) of being noted for its gracious and hospitable peoples. In this resolution, it was conveyed that the Sister-city program between the two cities would be “one of the best means of fostering and cementing friendship and understanding between the citizens of Cebu City
Extremist terrorist groups like ISIS, have risen up and caused a wave of fear and mistrust over the world. Desperately trying to escape their war-torn country, Syrian people try to cross the dangerous Mediterranean Sea, in hope to reach safety. A recently, it had been reported that over 500 Syrian refugees have died trying to cross the sea. Countries were lending aid to the Syrian refugees such as the UN, Turkey, and the United States. Everything changed after the Paris Terrorist Attack in 2015. It became known that some terrorists were disguising themselves as refugees in order to gain access to the country. The United States panicked about its refugee policies, fearing domestic safety. However, the Syrian Refugee issue is in fact a crisis. By February 2016, the U.S had resettled 2,819 Syrians, which has risen from 90 admitted in 2013, in addition to 4.5 billion dollars in aid. Following the Paris tragedy, at least 27 state governors stated their refusal to accept refugees or questioned the admission process. The US State Department has confirmed that the country will accept 10,000 Syrian refugees in 2016. This was met with some backlash from modern day Restrictionists, the conservatives. While helping people who are threatened by terrorism is a moral obligation, the issue was complicated by terrorists hiding as refugees. Because of this, it sparked hysteria and xenophobia in the United States against