Persuasive Letter About School Lunches

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The words school lunch immediately paints a picture in your mind filled with smells and all sorts of memories. With each passing year school lunch quality, and quantity continues to diminishes. I am writing this letter to plead with you as my Senator to take a stand to help improve the quality, quantity and safety of school lunch. National school lunches fail to even meet fast food standards and are putting students at high risk for food poisoning. “The meat that is provided to schools does meet and can even exceed the minimum standard for meat sold to supermarkets, but it can still be unsettling to know where it is coming from.” Often times the USDA is buying what are known as “spent hens” and feeding it to children after companies like Kentucky Fried Chicken and Campbell Soup Company has rejected it do to such low quality. Also, higher meat standards for chain companies like McDonalds are 10 times stricter in checking their meat for bacteria and pathogens than school districts are required to follow.. If the meat fails the safety test for fast …show more content…

The health of future generations must be guarded to insure a thriving country in days to come. Healthy people equals a healthy strong nation. It is vital that we more fully invest in the health of children and help them to learn how to eat well and properly care for their bodies. Serving healthy school lunch is an ideal way to teach children good food habits. Also,we must at least hold school cafeterias to the same safety standards required by restaurants. Serving unsafe food also can lead to sickness and possible death. We must do better. We can look to other nations for examples on how to incorporate healthy lunches and how to fund them. We can be better. We must do better! If other nations that do not enjoy as much overall wealth as we do can feed well balanced healthy meals at school we can to. We

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