Persuasive Essay: Why Should Schools Start Later?

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The times that our schools start have recently come under fire due to new opinions on teenage sleep standards. Researchers all over the country have produced new evidence linked to an optimal sleeping pattern. Sleep, in many ways, affects our personal health and because of such, many people are devoted to keeping their children healthy. Schools should start later because it allows for optimal sleep time, matches natural teenage sleep patterns, and shows correlation to information retention. Researchers have recently conducted many studies to conclude exactly how many hours we need to sleep each understand our need of sleep we first have to identify the reason behind sleeping, to rest and compile your brain of the thoughts from the day. With this information it is easy to conclude that yes, sleep holds a direct tie to brain development as it is important for the brain to both rest and organize information. This has persuaded many organizations to pursue others to accommodate more time to sleep,for our youth. This quote from the National Sleep Foundation sums this effort up best, "Over time, sleep deprivation leads to serious consequences for academic achievement, social behavior, and the health and safety of …show more content…

Some believe that students would only take the extra time to stay awake as they would get home later, especially considering after-school activities. The political side of the fence argues that a national enforcement of schools to start an hour later would only disrupt many systems already in place, a large effort for an extra hour of sleep. The article by the Prindle Post states “However, many in opposition argue that logistically, this transition would be a very difficult one. The American school system is so accustomed to starting before 8:30 that the time shift would be hard on parents, teachers, bus drivers, and athletic practices.” outlining the

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