Weight Loss Journey: Embracing The Dash Diet

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When I originally heard about The Dash Diet, it helped motivate me to keep going and lose the last of my pregnancy weight as my son got his driver's license. It has been a very long road. As for the motivation piece – yes it's easy to fall off the wagon – however, if you take it step by step, and get back to your eating plan, it will work. The Dash Diet isn't one of those crazy diets where your family has to hide the chocolate cake or lock up the refrigerator. It was just a nice, gentle way to get back to a weight I felt comfortable about. – Tammy, 55, Wichita, KS.

By eating the Dash Diet on a consistent basis and being more consistent with my exercising, I gradually lost 30 pounds over the first six months …show more content…

I never realized how strong the correlation between eating healthy and feeling healthy really is – I didn't think it would be so easy!!! I feel great and I think eating more balanced meals has helped to curb my sweet tooth. This is definitely something I should have started years ago. – Noah, 43, Boston, MA. …show more content…

I didn't want to become a burden to my family. As part of my cardiac rehab program, I went to a dietitian who prescribed The Dash Diet to me. In the first 5 months, I lost 40 pounds on The Dash Diet. I found the diet very easy to understand and simple to follow without taking out the things I really loved– a big part of the reason I was so successful. There was even an online program offered at my place of employment. I began to track my results on the website and keep my progress recorded in one location. I have lost a total of 60 pounds and lowered my cholesterol in the process (from a total cholesterol of 267 to 137). Dash really is a piece of cake – you've got nothing to lose in giving it a try. – Rachael 37, Philadelphia, PA.

I think The Dash Diet is a fantastic program! During the course of the program I went from a size 14 to a size 8-10. I had put on some weight thanks to college eating plans and I never really worked to take it off – Dash changed that. When I talk to people I hear all the time "What type of diet are you on?" What I say to them is that I'm not on a diet –Dash has given me a whole new way of looking at food and learning what to eat. DASH leaves the choices up to me. Also, learning about portion sizes and healthy food options was a huge part of my success. Thanks Dash! Brittany, 28, Columbia, OH.

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