Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Scrolling through my Snapchat stories I could probably count on both hands how many people snapchat while driving. People snapchatting their speed or even recording while they drive and blasting a song over their speakers. Using one’s phone while driving has evolved from just texting to using other social medias that might even take more attention and concentration, like Snapchat or Instagram. If one put out an anonymous survey to the school, one would find that a huge percentage of students at one’s school does, even though they know it is wrong. According to a American Automobile Association poll, “94% of teen drivers acknowledge the dangers of texting and driving, but 35% admitted to doing it anyway”(“Texting and Driving Accident Statistics,” …show more content…

This directly connects to how much teenagers, and even children, are obsessed with their phones. This have been exemplified from how many accidents are caused by texting while driving. Teens, and even adults, will say they are not looking away from the road for that long to send a quick text; however, the Edgar Snyder and Associates states that “answering a text takes away your attention for about five seconds. Traveling at 55 mph, that's enough time to travel the length of a football field” (“Texting and Driving Accident Statistics,” 2015). But I feel as though texting and driving is a branch off of a even bigger issue, the fact that this generation is obsessed with their phones and the new technology. Texting and driving would not be such an enormous issue, if the obsession with phones and social media wasn’t so prevalent. A study by Teensafe revealed that “seventy-two percent of teens admit that they feel a sense of urgency to check notifications and respond to messages as soon as they come in” (Teensafe, 2016). This leads to the texting while driving problem, because they feel obligated to check their phone. The fact that, especially, teenagers cannot wait twenty minutes or so to drive somewhere to look at their phone. I have personally had the urge a couple times to check my phone while driving, but I realize how dangerous that is so I never

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