Ban Cell Phone Use While Driving in Texas

571 Words2 Pages

Cell phone use including hands-free should be banned in Texas. People claim they never use their cell phones while driving, but in reality they do. Cell phone use is one of the biggest distractions while driving. It takes away your reflexes and your attention off the road. One in four crashes involves driver distraction ( Drivers who use cell phones in their vehicles have a higher risk of collision than drivers who don't, whether holding the phone or using a hands-free device ( Phones use while driving is one of the worst habits to have. Drivers who text while driving are twice as likely to crash than some who is drinking and driving (New Approaches to End Texting While Driving). Teenagers believe they are the best drivers and can multitask while driving. In order to text while driving you have to be looking at your phone. If you are looking phone you are not taking precaution to what in front of you. People think looking down for one second will not hurt. In one second anything could happen such as hitting someone or even running off the road. Other people ar...

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