According to a study conducted in 2012 by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, twenty percent of children in The United States are overweight. This prevalence of unhealthy children is an epidemic in America, and is largely due to them constantly being online and not getting adequate physical activity. Compared with children in the 20th century, children today are not as active because they use social media in their free time rather than going outside to play. By playing school sports, students engage in daily physical exercise and have an opportunity to connect with their classmates. Competitive sports must be in schools because they help to lower obesity rates in students, and help them to develop social skills. Keith M. Drake, a postdoctoral researcher at the Hood Center for Children and Families at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth University calculated that obesity rates would plunge twenty-six percent if all students participated on two or more sports teams a year. In addition, Dr. Drake and his team found that the pervasiveness of overweight adolescents would drop by eleven percent if all of them played two sports a year. Participating in …show more content…
According to Sarah Davis, an accomplished clinical nutritionist and graduate of San Diego University, “When a child wins a game with his team, he feels accomplished and recognized… Playing sports can help kids understand how competition works in a friendly environment, and that if you try your hardest, you have a better chance to succeed.” This shows that when children play on a sports team with their peers, they learn how to work and compete as a unit. This builds character and teaches students how to work well with anyone, which translates back into the classroom when they have to work collaboratively. Overall, playing on a competitive sports team teaches children
“Maybe I´m stupid or whatever, but to me if I got a concussion, if I could see straight and carry a football, then I´m not telling anybody”, Ricky Williams, NFL Football player. The argument about whether kids should play football or not is an important topic to argue. People need to understand that the concussions and other injuries are more serious with young kids. The problem is that many people think that it could be stopped by not allowing kids to play at all. Although parents can reduce risk of injury by not allowing their kids to play football, parents should let their children play football because it lets kids follow their dreams, it helps kids become more mature and independant, and if kids use proper technique they can reduce injuries.
Levin, Paige and Dakin Andone. Teenage football players kicked off team for kneeling during anthem. CNN, 10/1/17,
Students who participate in sports remain physically active. Student athletes have practice and must keep “in shape” to compete against other high school teams. Researchers have said the younger population has grown obese. Students who remain in high school sports have a lower risk of becoming obese. Obesity is growing rapidly in the nation and having kids participate in sports will help the nation’s obesity rate decrease. The reason students stay healthy is because the practice may involve running, weight training, and flexibility to help stay in “shape”. Students involved in sports are also encouraged to eat better to ensure the best body to perform at top level. Athletes have a desire to win and be the best. This forces an athlete to live a healthier
Exercise, food, technology, and money all play a role in causing childhood obesity. Lack of exercise among adolescents has been proven to be the leading cause of childhood obesity. According to a May 2012 Institute of Medicine report, only half of America’s children and one in four teens get enough activity to meet current guidelines (Doheny and Noonman 1). The recommendations call for children to participate in at least 60 minutes of vigorous to moderate physical activity every day (Hendrick 1). “Only four percent of elementary schools, eight percent of middle schools, and two percent of high schools provide daily physical ...
High school football is very risky! There are so many ups and downs about this sport in particular. Many people would say it is dangerous for these young boys to play football though others will have a different outlook on it. Football is truly not that dangerous and it can be very helpful for some boys in various ways including, scholarships, personality and a learning experience.
When I go to a gymnastics meet and do really good, so I get that 1st place medal or trophy. It feels amazing, I mean the sport gymnastics is competitive and I sure do love competitive sports. The competitiveness gets you that rush of excitement. You feel nervous, but excited to get in there and try your hardest. Kids make better choices and have committed when they have the drawbacks of participating in competitive youth sports.
What could you do to prepare your kids for success in the future? Sports are one of the best ways to prepare kids for success in the future for many reasons. According to University of Missouri Health Care, “Sports require memorization, repetition, and learning - skill sets that are directly relevant to class work.”(muhealth). Not only do sports help them become better students, but they also prepare them both mentally and physically and teach them multiple life lessons that will better them in the long run. The great thing about sports is that anyone can participate as long as they have the passion for it.
Some schools force students to participate in organized school sports. However, I believe that schools should not make this a requirement. Some students may have medical conditions, family situations that don't allow them to participate in organized school sports, or they simply may not have the time.
Student athletes live very busy lives. A typical school day runs from 8:00-2:30, add in a two- hour practice or game, score a part time job, dive into some family time, a grand slam of homework and catch a little bit of sleep. Students are more stressed due to the many activities they are a part of. This issue affects a lot of people not only in this school district, but most other high schools throughout the country. All student athletes exercise more than other children who are not involved in an extracurricular sport. In school athletics, the players are called “student athletes” meaning that school activities come first. There are strict rules for student athletes, not only on the field but in the classroom as well. In physical education
One of the positives of youth participation in sports is that it is an effective way of children making new friends and developing social skills. Sports teams provide an introduction for children to talk to other children with whom they may not talk normally. This is a huge opportunity for overweight children that might not socialize with others very often. As Ann Rosewater – a spokeswoman for the organization Up2Us – puts it, “overweight children have reported that the best part of organized sports is making new friends” (13). Teamwork can create a strong bond between athletes who compete together. Working toward a common goal gives children a reason to become good friends in an attempt to reach their endeavor of winning. They learn to help other children when they see them having a tough time and learn to offer words of encouragement to them (Harle par. 3). Children are given a sense of camaraderie by playing a sport with peers and that sense can become so strong that they will go as far as considering each other a second family....
Confucius once said, "he who does not do well is less guilty than he who pushes too hard." People found that competitive sports are often physically straining and it is detrimental to proper emotional development. This blows away the misconception that competitive sports create a healthy and engaging atmosphere for kids. This and an overly strong obsession with winning create a toxic mix for the child’s wellbeing. People have begun to realize the world of competitive may be doing more harm than good for their children. Parents have also begun to notice that competitive sports often injure their children severely and also make the child feel left out, which in turn is detrimental to the child 's emotional health. Therefore, competitive sports
He sprints up and down the court, as sweat pours down his face and on to the hardwood. The player’s legs are in severe pain, and he is out of breath, yet he continues to run, utilizing every last portion of energy that he maintains. He desires to better himself, not necessarily for his own benefit, but for the benefit of his team. He knows that every single member of the team, including himself, must work as hard as they possibly can on the court to reach their potential and achieve success. Organized sports teach athletes some of the most powerful moral values and life lessons that any individual can attain. Despite the opposing opinion that students who take part in organized sports suffer academically due to time deprivation and focus misdirected away from the classroom, involvement in sports teaches young men and women to maintain imperative values, such as hard work, selflessness, and commitment, which ultimately improves student-athletes’ academic performance.
In our society today one of the most difficult problems we are facing is the large numbers of obesity in our children. One of the major factors in that is this; our children have become less physically active. At an early age children start watching TV, learn how to operate a computer, and play video games. Having technological skills is now a necessity in all of our lives because everything has turned “computerized,” but the fact is that our children are relying on these types of entertainment rather than getting up and physically exercising to entertain them selves. This directly affects the large number of obese children in our country today because of the lack of physical exercise. It is not that we want our kids to look a certain way or to be better at sports than everyone else, but it is that we want our kids to be physically fit and to develop a healthy lifestyle. Physical exercise is not only for adults, it is for children as well, so we must understand the importance of our children exercising and the benefits from it. By doing that it will make an impact on that child for the rest of his/her life.
It 's been outrageous , how many kids get injured per year playing youth sports for school and organizations. The youth who play sports receive plenty medical attention throughout the year due to injuries cause from actions made occuring in games. Health plays a big part in sports because if your are are not healthy many things can go wrong with the body including dehydration, heart problems , and muscle spasm. Playing a sport can be very hard to juggle with school and also getting talked down by coaches and parents. Dehydration is a high possibility because of outside sports that happen in the spring/summer and playing and practicing in humid conditions that you are not well prepared for can be bad and there will be consequences. Parents and
In 2014 inactivity among children approached 20 percent and increased to 37.1 percent in 2015 according to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association. Many factors have compounded the decline in youth sports. Across all age groups 81.6 million people were inactive in 2015, contributing to a sedentary culture and nationwide obesity trend and the rush for kids to specialize at younger and younger ages has alienated a section of the youth population. A key factor in the decline in youth sports participation, however, is the increase in the cost of participating. According to chart