Over the past decade years 200 victims have fallen due to school shootings. These numbers don’t even justify for the number of people killed in years prior to the 2000’s. Though these numbers don’t justify for the numbers of students injured or killed with other weapons, school safety is becoming a topic of discussion. As time goes on, people are bringing more attention to the subject of school safety. With the numerous school shootings in various states, lack of security in schools, and not enforcing rules for the students schools are becoming less safe.
Six weeks into 2018 the Parkland, Florida shooting occurred. In which 17 students and staff were killed at the hands of one person. Outrageously, this is not the first occasion. In the article After Sandy Hook,
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More Than 400 People Have Been Shot in Over 200 School Shootings, written by Jugal K. Patel, it states that “…there have been at least 239 school shootings nationwide. In those episodes, 438 people were shot, 138 of whom were killed.” This data only shows the number of people killed and injured from the deadly Sandy Hook shooting (in Newtown, Connecticut) which took place in 2012. Phillip Bump says in his article Eighteen years of gun violence in U.S. schools, mapped that, “Since 2000, there have been school shootings in 43 of the 50 states, according to our data. (The exceptions: Alaska, Delaware, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island and Wyoming.)” This fact alone shows that 87% of the country’s states have gone through the tragedy of school shootings. Though some states may not have experienced the catastrophe of this event, the whole nation has felt the affects over numerous years. How much longer are we going to let armed people walk into the schools and start shooting? With this question it brings me to my second point of how we need more school security. Most schools monitor who enters and exits the building.
Based on an article by Fast Facts written by National Center for Statistics, “…93 percent of public schools reported that they controlled access to school buildings by locking or monitoring doors during school hours.” Though this number may seem like a lot, it does not make sure every student is safe. Based on this data, out of 100 schools there are still 7 schools that do not have this safety. This would allow for someone to walk in, armed with a weapon, and the school would not know who entered the building. Also, if the doors were not locked, like some schools across the country, anyone could walk in unrealized. From the same article, Fast Facts, National Center for Statistics also states that,”Other safety and security measures reported by public schools included the use of security cameras to monitor the school (75 percent)…” Similarity, this is the same as before. Outsiders or students could easily bring in a weapon into the school if the school was not monitored. This is sadly the case since 1 out of 4 schools do not have a camera system. Overall, many schools across the nation are lacking simple security measurements to keep schools
secured. Finally, many schools lack ways to identify and enforce certain rules that may contribute to school safety. Most schools do not enforce the requirement of ID badges. There is also a limited number of schools that enforce a dress code. Also, most schools do not do random checks to see what the students may be hiding. Based on the article Fast Facts by National Center for Statistics, “…a requirement that faculty and staff wear badges or picture IDs (68 percent), and the enforcement of a strict dress code (58 percent).” This fact not only proves that teachers can go around unidentified but that some schools do not even monitor what the students are wearing. This would allow for students to sneak weapons in under loose or baggy clothing. With using a fact from National Center for Statistics article Fast Facts it states, “In addition, 24 percent of public schools reported the use of random dog sniffs to check for drugs… and 4 percent used random metal detector checks.” This goes along with the dress code because if the school is not going to enforce it and not check for harmful weapons or drugs then what is stopping students from brining in weapons? This would in turn make the school environment unsafe for students. Though some may argue schools are relatively safe and that school shootings are rare. This is seeming to not be the case. Based on the article Eighteen years of gun violence in U.S. schools, mapped by Phillip Bump, “…there has been a shooting every 2.5 days this year. Using a stricter standard, there have been at least seven school shootings in 2018…” This article, though written in February 2018, shows how school shootings are becoming a bigger issue. These numbers have sadly increased with the numbers almost tripling as of today. This means there has been at least 21 school shootings this year. At the time this article was written there was a more than 2.5 school shootings a week. Now, though the number of shootings per week is down, they’re still occurring. With more attention being brought to school shootings, the more people are starting to realize the issue. School shootings have been a main discussion in 2018. While there has been rising attention brought to school shootings the problem has not been solved and schools are not as safe as they could be. There have still been many school shootings this year, security at schools are not as tight, and student requirements are minimal which makes schools not as safe anymore. With the 239 shootings that have occurred, 138 people have been murdered. Along with this, many schools are lacking simple technological features that could have secured the schools. Finally, many schools are not enforcing rules that the students must follow. These three reasonings are the key to as why schools aren't as safe as they could be. If you are concerned about the safety of your school district, ask a local administrator or school board member about the safety precautions of your school.
I am tired of living in total fear that my school, town, or any other public place will be the new breaking news of a shooting. No person right in the head will go around shooting up a school or anywhere else because they were angry at the people there. If we want to actually do something other than cry we need to know the first step in how these things happen. 1)person makes plan 2)person buys gun 3)peruses plan. We may no be able to stop a person thought process but we can sure as heck change how someone messed up enough to kill people to buy a gun. There is no reason for those type of people to be aloud to. How am I supposed to go to school and leave my house without thinking "wow, this could be it". Today I walked out of school to see police
School shootings are the leading death by a fire arm in the United States. What motivates these people to want to kill others? Acts of violence at schools is not a new thing. School shootings date back to the 18th century. However, school shootings are growing more common in this day in age. What motivates these people to want to kill others? With social networks more and more people are being bullied, which results in more kids snapping and shooting up their school. Bullying isn’t the only reason for school shooting, now smart kids are snapping under the pressure of unrealistic standards set for them by their honors teachers. In high school teens get the choice to take honors classes, or regular classes. The biggest difference in these classes
Schools were once traditionally viewed as a safe place for children, teenagers, and adults. The educational setting coupled with community involvement gave no reason for violence to occur in schools. As years progressed, the occurrence of violence in school shocked communities across the nation, calling for state lawmakers and school districts to produce a solution to prevent these acts from occurring. Events such as the 1999 school shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado urged schools throughout the U.S. to increase their security measures with more stringent policies and procedures while spending millions of dollars on security equipment from security cameras to metal detectors. While schools increase their safety measures to prevent another major incident from occurring, such as a suspect with a firearm (active shooter) from entering school property, some of the security measures have not been effective. An example is the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, where the shooter was able to bypass a locked door which is one of the security measures the school had in place, making personnel visiting the school required to request entrance into the building (Barron).
There are many different types of school violence. The one that gets the most public attention is school shootings. The term school shooting is basically defined as an act where a student, school staff member, or intruder from the outside commits an act on the school campus. One of the most well known school shootings took place at Columbine High School near Littleton, Colorado. On a Tuesday April 20,1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, students at Columbine High School, took the lives of thirteen other students before taking the lives of their own. When we think of events like this, we have many questions that go through our mind. Thoughts like why did this happen, could it have been prevented, and how did impact the individuals involved just to name a few. There are probably several more thoughts that go through the minds of a nation when we hear about traumatic evens such as a school shooting.
School shootings have been a part of America’s history since 1700’s when four Lenape Indians went into a school in Greencastle, Pa., and killed the teacher and up to as many as 10 children (Epstein, 2012). Since that day school shootings have become almost a regular occurrence. This school year alone, we have already reached eleven shootings (Hefling, 2014). Perhaps, an even more stunning number, since the Sandy Hook shooting in December 2012, just fourteen months ago, America has had an appalling 44 school shootings, totaling a horrific 28 deaths, in just fourteen months (Dimon, 2014). Since that day in December, about 1,500 state gun...
Teachers are with students at all hours of the day. Security measures on most school campuses are all with good intentions, yet could always be delayed when facing a predator. If procedures could be implemented across America years ago to arm teachers, many deaths probably could have been prevented. Teachers would not have had to sacrifice their life for their students, and the victims could have lived a successful life. Students, parents, educators, and entire communities need to voice their fear of public schools security. Solving America’s problems, starts with the citizens. This has become a problem and there has been too much time wasted on debating. If educators were armed, there could be one more hero in America and one less victim. Arming teachers could make students and families feel safe in their environment. The risks of suffering losses from an intrusion are minimalized the second educators become more powerful than an attacker. If security is not the top priority of America’s schools, then what does come first in
In recent years, gun violence has become more popular in communities and public areas. One of the most easy targeted places is public schools. Public schools are a vulnerable target for outside threats. President Trump and the NRA (National Rifle Association) are pushing for an alternative to end these kinds of incidents. One key solution is to arm teachers and staff throughout the school and facility (Heim). Arming teachers would be a way to prevent school shootings in many ways. Every staff member should possess a weapon for defensive purposes.
Can you imagine a safe place where you know threats could be stopped easily and a chance of a threat hurting you is smaller? This may seem like a police station or some sort of government facility, but actually in today’s world this is changing because schools are being armed with weapons to defend against the outside world where threats are closing in. With this idea in mind, arming teachers is the solution to a growing epidemic of school shootings. Armed teachers and staff will provide the protection necessary for students to consistently feel safe in their schools.
In the United States there have been 142 school shootings since 2013. In Australia there has never been a school shooting. “A school shooting is a form of mass shooting involving a gun attack on an educational institution, such as a school or university”(Wikipedia). According to the United States Secret Service, a school shooting is where the school is purposely planned and selected as the location for the attack. A school shooting may occur between any individual, student, instructor, administrator and staff employed institution (Sinnamon, 2016). There is no one profile to describe a shooter but almost all attackers are students at the school. School shootings occur when anyone enters a campus and begins firing weapons such as a rifle, shotgun
When it comes down to protection, mostly nowadays in schools, we would like to think we are safe. For example, schools are or were a safe place to learn and be productive either as a student or a teacher. No matter what school you are in either public or private, doesn’t matter if you're in middle, high or elementary school. In just recent years there has been a rise of school shootings, the ones you might of heard of are from sandy hook elementary to the most recent; Stoneman Douglas high school. While many ask how to make schools even safer, others are asking if teachers and professors should be allowed to carry firearms in the classroom.
When you think of school, do you feel safe? With recent devastating school shootings would you want a guard at your school? As much as you think it can be a great thing it won’t. It will provoke kids to do worse things. Potentially a kid can steal the dangerous weapon, or the staff member can get mad and hurt a lot of people.
As school shootings have recently started to emerge as an essential component of American culture, many people have been looking for possible solutions. We thought Columbine would be a rare incident, but school shootings have dramatically spiked in the past 10 years. According to A Study of Active Shooter Incidents in the United States Between 2000 and 2013, an average of 6.4 shooting incidents occurred annually. In the last 7 years of the study, that average increased to 16.4 incidents annually. Out of the 160 incidents total, 39 happened in educational environments that yielded 117 individuals killed and 120 wounded (2013).
Highland High School, Forest High School, Great Mills High school are just the names of the few school shooting happened this year. There are a total of 21 school shootings in the past five months. Which is about one shooting per week. Impacting families and friends and the safety of other students every week. In attempt to solve this on going issue, thought and prayers are what people doing.
For over a decade, there has been endless news reports on violence in schools. In fact, just recently ( January 25, 2018), the news reported an incident at Murphy High School in Mobile, Alabama involving two teenagers. With school shootings apparently increasing exponentially, one cannot help but wonder why so many of these incidences are occurring and how we in the nursing community can help to prevent this problem. Undoubtedly, some underlying issues exist in these situations. In these incidences it seems that anger is one of the common factors. In the article “Anger In Adolescent Communities: How Angry Are They?”, Lisa Pullen et. al (2015), discussed the various contributing factors that affects adolescent anger. The researchers’ main intent was to focus on adolescents in a community environment
Over the years we have heard that a school has been threatened or an intruder has came in and brought danger to the students, as a teacher they are taught to lock the door and hide in the corner thinking that the intruder won’t see them or won’t come in. Students are afraid to go to school,parents are afraid to send their kids to school. We all thought that we didn’t have to worry about going to a place where we thought would be safe and all they had to worry about was what test they have that day or did I remember to do my homework last night. Now we have to worry thinking someone could come into our school and pull a gun, you could lose friends that day or your own life.