Argumentative Essay On School Shootings

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School shootings are the leading death by a fire arm in the United States. What motivates these people to want to kill others? Acts of violence at schools is not a new thing. School shootings date back to the 18th century. However, school shootings are growing more common in this day in age. What motivates these people to want to kill others? With social networks more and more people are being bullied, which results in more kids snapping and shooting up their school. Bullying isn’t the only reason for school shooting, now smart kids are snapping under the pressure of unrealistic standards set for them by their honors teachers. In high school teens get the choice to take honors classes, or regular classes. The biggest difference in these classes …show more content…

15 people were killed, including the two shooters, while 24 were injured. The shooters in this massacre were two boys who attended the school, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, and were believed to be motivated by bullies, but that was never proven. The pair of teens originally took two propane bombs into the school that were rigged to explode. Once the bombs failed to detonate they began shooting people. Violent video games and bullying were the two leading suspicions for the reasons of shooting. Harris and Klebold were also both suspected of being in a cult that told them to do shoot the …show more content…

Matt Ward was accused of taking a pistol into the school and shooting the school master. Ward supposedly shot the school master for excessive punishment toward his younger brother. Ward’s father was one of the wealthiest men in Kentucky at the time. Ward had a total of 18 lawyers represent him for the case. Ward was acquitted after more that 70 eye witnesses came forth for Ward, while the prosecutors only had 21 eyewitnesses. A mob of approximately 8,000 formed outside the circuit court house two days after Ward was acquitted, demanding he be kicked out of the town. Ward was snuck away to Louisiana were he lived until he joined the civil

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