Argumentative Essay: Preventing Gun Violence In Schools

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“There’s no tragedy in life like the death of a child. Things never get back to the way they were.” -Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th U.S president. In Us, since 2013, there has been more than 300 school shooting. Since the 1999 Columbine shooting, more than 187000 students have been exposed to gun violence. To prevent the school shooting, one of the suggestion was to provide teachers with guns. The student’s don’t want guns in their school, and it’s not safe for the teachers to be armed with guns and teacher’s can misuse the gun.

The student’s don’t want guns in their schools.
The student’s and others are protesting for safety in their school. Like our topic, there are so many school shooting in America. Having a gun anywhere is not safe. So having a gun inside a school is also not safe for teachers and the students. The gun is dangerous and can be harmful.
Other than a gun in the school, they can figure out other ways to protect the students. They can get security cameras or metal detectors inside the school. Also, they should increase the police presence near the schools. In America, they …show more content…

Is that really a good method? For example, North Korea has been fighting over nuclear weapons. The United States has been fighting against North Korea about losing the nuclear weapon. If North Korea gave up the nuclear weapon, the United States should also give up their nuclear weapon too. The united states have an estimate of 6550 nuclear warhead inventory in 2017. If both countries kept their nuclear weapon, by one accident, the whole world could end. One accident means that if North Korea decided to keep nuclear and decides to attack, then America would use their nuclear and the whole world could blow up. The preparator can easily get a gun in America. So relating to the example, If both sides (Teacher vs the Shooter) have a gun, like the example of Nuclear, the school environment can get

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