Essay On Gun Violence In Schools

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Gun violence in schools is a very serious problem in America. More and more shootings are occurring, and no matter what has been done to try to prevent these shootings they still occur. The current methods being utilized to prevent gun violence in schools are not very successful, because school shootings are still occurring. To better prevent gun violence in schools and in general the United States must reinforce gun knowledge, security, and the laws that are already in place.
The opposition viewpoint, however may argue that these preventative measures will not work, and try to introduce the idea of creating more laws for guns and gun owners. There are also ideas that guns should be harder to get, or that the public should not be able to …show more content…

The problem with these laws is that they do not get enforced to their maximum limit. During the Obama administration, congress has failed to provide the necessary funding for the national instant Criminal Background check system (). This is the database that is checked prior to a gun purchase to ensure individuals with criminal records and mental illness aren’t allowed to proceed with the firearms purchase (). In 2007, congress passed the NICS Improvement Amendment Act; this gave states incentives to incorporate reporting mental health information into background checks. Due to congress not funding this act there has been little to almost no improvement within states. The states not receiving this funding are hurting the NICS, because they are not able to send them documentation, which tells whether an individual has been involuntarily committed. Another example of not enforcing the laws currently in place is the way that the Administration’s Justice Department handles people who lie on background checks. The FBI reported 71,000 instances of people lying on their backgrounds checks to buy guns in 2009(). But the Justice Department only prosecuted 77 cases. Why did the remaining 70,923 not get prosecuted? This also happens with many other laws like gun trafficking and criminal records. This is the real problem in America, creating more gun

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