Argumentative Essay On Guns In Schools

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There are many different views concerning the possession of weapons and firearms on school property and the actions that should be taken to better protect the children attending school. Many people seem to either clearly be for or against these ideas of this policy. Furthermore, people either feel it is necessary to arm the staff of the school to stop potential threats and others believe that guns have no place in schools unless they are carried by the protecting police officer of the schools. First, The National Rifle Association in Colorado has recently supported Colorado’s push for all K-12 teachers to have a concealed carry permit to carry on school grounds. Neville a Colorado representative today was a 15 year old student in …show more content…

President of the NEA Dennis Van Roekel believes that “Guns have no place in our schools, period” (Walker, 2014). In addition NEA feels that stronger background checks are needed to better secure and stop the use of firearms on school property. A survey was taken with the NRA in 2013 showed that 22% favored the used of guns in school and 68% opposed this idea (Walker, 2014). They feel that the police officials assigned to the school should be the one responsible to carry and fix any problems that may come up. They also believe that these problems aren’t going to be stopped with the use of guns but rather the better educational programs for students now. They believe that most problems come with the students and the way they use the guns on school property. They feel that more money should be spent on anti-bullying campaigns and mental illness education schools (Walker, 2014). These actions they feel will better educate students mentally and be able to reduce future problems with these students. Overall the NEA believes that firearms aren’t what will better protect students in school but with better educational programs that will make the difference for future …show more content…

In addition, they both agree that guns can protect students. They also agree in the protection of guns rights and that they are important in our society today. But in contrast the NEA feels that these threats aren’t going to be fixed with more guns but with better education of the students themselves. Where the NRA in Colorado feels that it’s only through the use of guns that these threats can will be stopped in the future. Furthermore the NEA feels that the students are the problems in some cases and with more educational opportunities that these future tragedies can be reduced if not stopped. In contrast, the NRA feels that teaching the staff to more securely use and carry firearms will better increase the safety of the school students. Overall they both may have different beliefs on how to better protect students but their goal is to better protect the students in

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