Guns In Schools Research Paper

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Protecting schools
Guns should be kept near by school faculty at all times to provide safety to not only themselves, but the kids they are trusted with to keep safe. There is major problem with school shootings in America. In the U.S alone there have been 142 school shootings since the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012. That is a near average of 1 shooting a week. Due to these shootings there have been many deaths, and countless injuries. However there is a way to avoid this problem. If the school faculty kept guns close by then school would not be an easy target and the staff could fight back if necessary before anyone could get hurt. Despite the fact the guns do make schools safer, many people believe that this is not the answer. They believe …show more content…

A school shooting was prevented when principal Joel Myrick used his gun to detain the shooter until the police arrived. Proving once again that school shootings can be prevented and are with the proper use of …show more content…

People who plan on shooting and killing other people do not care about the laws. They will do whatever it takes to get the job done. Also how would taking away guns from citizens stop a psychopath from killing. Nick Gillespie who is the editor in chief of said “Exactly how reducing law-abiding citizen's’ legal access to weapons will stop a jihadist bent on a suicide mission”. Also many other countries have tried this method and and still failed, for example Germany. Even though Germany has very strict gun control laws, a kid was still able to get a firearm and kill many people. This shows that gun control laws do not work, and make it less safe for the general population. In fact when the UK put the firearms act in effect the the murder peaked at 2.1 per

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