Persuasive Essay On Outdoor Schools

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Outdoor Preschools Most of the parents enjoy our regular schools without thinking that there are better options available for their little preschoolers. Try to imagine a preschool where kids spend all of their time outside in the park or forest. Can you picture it? Good! Germany created such amazing outdoor schools. According to Alice Gregory: "Most have opened in the last 15 years and are usually located in the city's parks, with a bare-bones structure serving as a sort of home base, but others rely on public transportation to shuttle their charges daily out into the wilderness, where they spend most of the day, regardless of weather." Parents always want the best for their children, and they try to give them the greatest education. German schools offer a very interesting way to experience education in preschool. The benefits of outdoor schools are: children would grow healthy, make a stronger connection with friends, and fully develop.
Healthy children mean a healthy nation. By spending most of the day outside in parks and forests, children can be transformed into a healthy boon for the nation. "You have to know that all hours spent at the computer are bad …show more content…

These preschools offer many activities that help children to think more globally. "Toys, typically disparaged at "waldkitas", are replaced by the imaginative use of sticks, rocks, and leaves," says Alice Gregory. Young individuals learn how to cross busy roads and ride public buses. In additional, kids learn small survival skills. For example, if a child cuts his or her knee, they learn which plant can help to stop minor bleeding such as a goose-grass. Adults noticed that children who attend these outdoor preschools get more independent and they are able to provide first aid for themselves. For instance, they learn how to tie their shoes and button up their shirts. Furthermore, young people get to experience weather changes and how to adapt to

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