Persuasive Essay On Obesity

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Obesity is becoming a bigger problem each and every day. My grandfather told me back in the days of the depression, his father said, you never knew when you were going to get your next meal. My grandfather believes this is why we have the large portions like we do today as people would eat as they could. The United States aren’t just seeing obesity spikes; other countries are seeing rises in obesity. Mexico is now the most obese country in the world passing the United States (CBSNews). Despite strong campaigns and advertisements to try and counter the ever alarming rates, people are failing to make progress. The powerful image I chose, shows France trying to combat their alarming obesity rates as they show a human’s stomach in an ice cream …show more content…

In just 32 years from 1980 to 2012, the United States has had an increase in obesity rates from 13.4% to 34.9% (Livestrong). The French Government sent this PSA because they are trying to give attention to this issue. France thrives on their culture for food as it has become a top 10 country in Industrialized Obesity as 16.9% of France citizens are obese ( This terrifying stat has alarmed the French Government as it is trying to spread the word about its ever increasing obesity rate. They want to begin by trying to change how people would diet, eat, and hope to effectively decrease its obesity rate of not just its own citizens, but its people too. This image isn’t just targeted to the French people, but to every person out there who might be borderline obesity or obese. Clearly ice cream is a huge pastime for a lot of people. You have likely had ice cream once in your life and it shouldn’t be eaten frequently. Coming from a guy who lost over 35 pounds of weight, ice cream was a huge factor in my obesity because it was very sweet and …show more content…

This can go for a lot of people’s favorite fat and greasy foods as it shows that it can be very dangerous if you eat it in excessive amounts as ice cream isn’t the only bad food. The warnings of this image are describing how you need to change your diets if you are the problem and can’t lose weight. We shouldn’t accept these “healthy at every size” mentality because it is not a good mentality to thrive. You can tell in the context of this image, it is using the five senses. If you touch yourself, you don’t feel confident in your weight, you don’t feel attractive. It can be relatable because you might also feel like you are the ice cream cone that nobody likes because you taste horrible. The ice cream cone is holding someone on life support and once the ice cream melts all the way, the person will have little will to live. I feel this image is very effective, but I don’t think anyone will change as I think people this generation are becoming lazier each day. It will be up to the smaller people to try and make a difference today, but it will require a lot of effort to try and make that

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