Persuasive Essay On Eco Furry Friends

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Eco-furry Friends

Are you eco-savvy when it comes to your pet? You probably make an effort to recycle, pick the more eco-friendly products, and turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, but what about when it comes to your pet? Though it may not seem like it, our furry friends can also have a massive impact on the environment. From thousands of pounds of non-biodegradable cat litter discarded annually, to hosts of chemical-ridden cleaning goods, we must become discerning buyers for our pets to prevent their products from damaging the environment as well.
Fortunately, as green-awareness catches, increasingly more eco-pet products are becoming readily available. It’s a good chance that your neighborhood pet supplier already has a selection of toys, accessories, and health products that are green certified.
However, make sure you consult a vet before making a major change in your …show more content…

Made from recycled fire hoses, this unique toy has a special compartment for stuffing treats into, and has a soft handle so you and your pet can have a fierce game of tug-of-war.
Eco Food – Natural Balance
Natural Balance is one of the pioneers in organic, eco-friendly pet food and has the most diverse collection of tastes and flavors for both cats and dogs. Your animals are sure to love their all-natural ingredients, wholesome meats, and vegetarian/vegan alternatives.
Bowls – Harry Barker
Harry Barker’s sustainable bamboo bowls are just what this industry needs. Not only are these cute and colorful bowls made from sustainable materials and good quality, high-fired porcelain, each bowl comes in an array of sturdy designs and all are FDA approved. Always buy quality bowls for your pets so you don’t have to worry about harmful chemicals leaching into your pet’s food and water.
Leashes –

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