Persuasive Essay On Babies And Pets

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Babies and Pets- How can you make these two coexist? You don’t have to get rid of your loved pet once you find out about your pregnancy! You can make it work and live happily ever after with both of them under the same roof. Preparing your home for the baby’s arrival takes a lot of time and organization, especially since you have to get rid of so many daily habits that may potentially harm your newborn. No smoking in the house, nor any sharp edges or anything that will make your home look like a death trap. And finally, as you cuddle in front of the TV, with your beloved pet, you unwillingly start to wonder whether or not, they can coexist together. Is your pat jeopardizing your newborn’s health? Can it hurt the baby? Is it safe for your baby to be around pets? These are only normal doubts and question that parents may have, since let’s face it, pets are unpredictable and so are the babies. You may never know whether your pet will have a positive or a negative impact on your baby. Luckily for you, you don’t have to panic or think about harmless ways to get rid of your longtime pal Fluffy, because with good organization and patience, you can make it happen. Your baby and pet will coexist under the same roof and you don’t have to feel like a bad mom for keeping your pet, even though the baby is on his way or he’s already at …show more content…

However, it’s up to you to decide whether or not you will keep or will get rid of your pet. Of course that the baby’s safety comes first, but those of you owning a pet, will understand the fact that people who have or had a pet, have actually raised one baby already and it’s not a surprise to assume that those people will consider their pet as a family member. A good organization, a professional consultation and a lot of patience can make wonders in your home and this is maybe the beginning of your successful pet-and-baby

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