Persuasive Essay: How Can I Am A Dreamer?

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I believe that I am a dreamer and I’ll admit sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation to keep chasing my dreams, that’s why I admire those kind of persons that are determined into accomplishing their goals, no matter how; but what’s that “something” that stops them from giving up? It’s a virtue and it’s called tenacity. Usually the road to get to your objective, it’s quite a rough one, you expect to have many obstacles and obviously sometimes you may even fail into progressing in your goal achievement, but that’s okay, at the end of the day it’s just one obstacle, whether it’s a little one or a big one, you’ll try to overcome it. However, what if we would lose the will to overcome a problem or an obstacle at the first sign of difficulty? …show more content…

If you think about it, if you’d lose this “will”, society would not make any progress at all. All scientific fields would get stuck, as every scientist would drop his/her research, inventors would drop their ideas of inventing something if it doesn’t work in the first time and just imagine the amount of life projects throughout the world that would get dropped! The quality that makes us keep going forward is tenacity, some might call it determination or perseverance, but it’s actually tenacity the virtue we all have within us at some extent, it’s the main driving force that makes us accomplish our goals and that makes the people in our society to keep progressing and inventing new things, causing the development of our

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