Persuasive Essay About Year-Round School

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Have you ever felt weighed down and overloaded by looking at all the homework you had, with no breaks to look forward to? Have you ever caught yourself thinking that this school system doesn’t push you enough to reach your full potential? Have you ever been in class, and you had no idea what the teacher was talking about, because it was material from last year,all things you forgot over summer break?You likely answered yes to theses questions because we’ve all been in these situations. But there is a way to avoid this from happening again. Euclid High School students should attend year-round school in order to avoid forgetting information, reduce their students level of stress, and to fully benefit them academically.
Year round school will avoid students from forgetting information that they forget now over the long summer breaks. I surveyed 10 Euclid High School Students and 9 of them said that they forget the information that they learned over summer break. I also forget information over the summer.Since students forget so much of the information, teachers often find themselves re-teaching criteria from the previous year ,time that could of been spent on learning new things. Also, due to a lack of educational activities, students suffer from what is called a learning loss. On average students lose 2.6 grade …show more content…

Year-round schools throughout the world score higher than students who go to traditional school. For example, in 17 out of 27 test comparisons,year-round schools achieved a higher percent of objectives,and had a higher average scaled score than traditional schools. As a matter of fact,China, who has a year-round school system, is ranked number one in reading, while the United States is ranked 14. If we adopt the year-round school idea, we will be able to change those statistics.Thus, Euclid High School becoming a year round school would allow students to reach their full potential

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