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Should schools implement year round schooling
Benefits of summer break for students
Advantages of year round education
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Recommended: Should schools implement year round schooling
High schools that have implemented a year round schooling calendar have experienced more disadvantages than advantages. The cost to put this plan in a new district is costly, there is no reported significant advancement in test scores, and it takes away a child’s summer that is used to learn some of life’s greatest lessons. YRS causes many issues with family life and a family’s budget. The biggest advantage for year round schooling has been said to be that it will keep a student from losing information over the summer. Most students forget information that they learned a week ago if not reviewed multiple times. Research has said that within an hour of learning information, the average person can learn 50 percent of what they were taught. …show more content…
Without this break, the teacher can become less prepared and become burned-out easily. Whenever a teacher doesn’t want to teach, it teaches students to not want to learn. Many students learn some of the best things that they will use forever, outside of school. This is where taking away their summer break comes into play, not only does it help a student get a full-time job, it allows children to go to summer camps and participate in extracurricular activities. A student can learn multiple things by going to a camp that schools just can’t teach. A teen getting a job, teaches them how the real world works. People can sometimes forget how important summer breaks are for kids. There will be no sense of when the school year and when it begins. The summer is the “right of passage” transforming you from a junior to a senior or your step from elementary to Junior high. The passage will have no meaning. A child will not feel as if they are in a new class. Without them, kids would think that school is a non-stopping boredom that lasts 12 years. Although these breaks seem long, teachers can give out homework that can take the length of the break. These 15 days you get off no longer seem like a break due to the
A student at Ste. Genevieve High School even expressed how she needs the summer break to unwind and not have to care about studying for a class when school would return to session. Another reason students may oppose this change is due to the fact High School students may hold summer jobs to earn some spending money. In certain instances, the year-round calendar may prevent students from holding these jobs or holding them for extended periods of time. One more reason students may disapprove of year-round education is because of extracurricular activities, and how they will be changed or shifted. New teachers can be affected in many ways. Unlike teachers who work in traditional school districts, they do not have the long summer to prepare and acquaint themselves for the forthcoming school year. Along with preparing lessons and assignments, teachers would not be able to take their own vacations and prepare for school
Family vacations, pool memberships, and corn de-tasseling; these have been the experiences of traditional Midwestern summers. For centuries young American children have attended school during the winter months, during farming off seasons when their families could afford to be without them. Families have grown accustomed to a traditional school calendar that provides time for bonding throughout the year. Students have grown accustomed to an eight week break during the summer months where they are allowed to refresh their minds before returning for a new school year. Unfortunately, these traditional experiences and practices are now in jeopardy. In today’s race to improve student achievement, traditional school calendars have become a point of contention. Today more and more school districts and parents alike have begun to debate the pros and cons of an alternative school calendar.
First, the pros of year round schooling can include; effects on absence and burnout rates, effects on budget, more frequent breaks, and also a big effect on academic achievement. The way that year round schooling works to reduce burnout and also reduce absences is that by having more frequent breaks; students are less likely to want to skip class. This is definitely noticeable after spring break where most schools don’t have any days off until the end of the year that is usually more than 2 months straight. In other words the “April, May, June stretch”. Year round schooling will also help students with their academics as well because with the way the schedule is set up, students do not ha...
Attending a year round school will help students retain the information they are taught with greater ease due to the shortness in breaks between times they attend school. An Indianapolis fourth-grade school teacher says, “In this calendar, my goodness, (it takes) two weeks at most.”, referring to the six weeks it normally takes to review the previous year’s lesson to get the students up to speed from the summer break (Johnson). If you are to add twenty days to t...
While growing up, I attended a traditional school. This is a schooling method many individuals are probably familiar with. A student attends school for nine months out of the year, and then has a three month break during the summer. However, in my immediate hometown surroundings, nearby traditional schools are assessing the idea of transforming into year-round schools. Year round schooling is one subject debated in high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools nationwide. Are schools that operate 365 days a year academically better than traditional schools? What are the cost differences between the two? How would a year-round school effect families? Changing the schooling technique from traditional to year-round has numerous variables that need to be taken into consideration before any grade school or secondary education institution fully commits. Year-round schooling schedules should not be implemented and traditional schooling calendars should be maintained.
Year round schooling is becoming increasingly popular in the United States, and has shown positive academic benefits for students enrolled in year round schools. Many countries implement year round schooling, and academic ability of their students greatly surpasses those of the United States. Year round schooling, as well as increase in school days should be implemented in schools nationwide in the United States. The need for long summer vacations is non-existent, as society has become industrialized. Implementing year-round schooling, and increasing the number of school days will allow the United States to invest more time into education in order to grow and build academic success.
School is usually a huge part of every child’s daily agenda. Teenagers in high school basically dedicate their entire day to school and homework. Students in grade 8 are similarly going through the same process as high school students. As students work 2 months after the Winter Break, some of them tend to start reducing their quality of work. When we’re tired of doing school work for two straight months, why should we only receive a short March break?
In conclusion, the advantages of year-round schooling are beneficial to all. If all schools did change to year round schooling, I believe we would be able to teach all the students without having to reteach skills from previous years, it could be done during intersessions. Year-round schooling benefits both the teachers and students. Teachers are able to reflect on their teachings and adjust in time before the next session would begin. The students would feel positive about themselves in school. With this change, we may even be able to accomplish No Child Left Behind.
Shortly, we became more industrialized and had more advanced technology which made the summer vacation that was so crucial to the survival of the family now purposeless. With these long summer breaks, it can affect a child’s learning in so many ways. According to the benefits of year-round education article,”As of the 2006-2007 school year, nearly 2,800 U.S. schools were classified as year round.” One essential problem with long summer breaks is lack of retention of learned material and can lead to the student not being able to make progress with their learning in the next school year. In year-round schools, kids don’t waste time on review as opposed to traditional schools who take about three weeks reviewing the information they learned in the
Back in the early ages, the idea of year-round school would be thought as completely insane, because the farming families depended on their children to be home during harvest time. Now in modern times, the term year-round school is becoming more and more common in the United States of America. Slowly the schools are changing the way they teach, from giving the students a long three month break to a shorter one month break during the summer. The change of America’s high schools to the year-round schedule benefits both the schools and the students because they still get breaks throughout the school year, the children are less likely to forget information, the children would have more time with the teachers to learn, and the parents would not have to pay for childcare during the long summer break.
Year round school is a bad idea not just for students, but also for parents and teachers. There than 3,181 year round schools in the U.S. alone and only 10% of kids attend them. Basically, year round school will not provide academic success. Some teachers and principals believe it will not have a positive effect on kids. According to the teachers “Most kids need a summer off from school.” Year round school schedule is usually 6 to 9 weeks long with 2 to 3 break weeks.
The summer vacation students on a traditional schedule receive could be very beneficial since summer gives time for the students to attend camps or other activities that would allow them to learn. The camp may not be like the learning in school, but students would be able to get a different style of education while having fun. Lynn-nore Chittom and Jeff Klassen, two authors who wrote about year-round vs. traditional schooling say,
Does year-round school truly have a positive impact in the lives of students? Various studies have suggested that year round school is helpful. There are some disadvantages to this type of schooling that are preventing all schools from switching to this type of scheduling. In earlier times schools were only teaching throughout half of the year so that the school would be out of session when it was time to work in the fields. This type of scheduling is still common today, even though only a small portion of agriculture is tied into education and kids are no longer required to work.
The first reason why year round schooling wouldn’t be a good idea is because of focusing for long periods of times for some students. First of all, many kids with disabilities or elementary school would have a hard time focusing that long of a time without their traditional three month summer break. Second, the more breaks students have might make it harder to focus before and after breaks. Before breaks many kids would be excited to
Also, a longer break would let them spend time with family members. Students would like a longer summer break to spend time with family members. Students could stay with other family members and cook out with them, play games with their family members, and talk with their family members as well.