Persuasive Essay About High School Sports

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Currently, 55.5% of high school students across the globe play a sport. According to the World Sports Encyclopedia, there are over 8,000 indigenous sports in existence. Team athletics are taking the world by storm, and young players are benefiting mentally and physically from these activities. However, dropout rates are increasing, and injuries are becoming more and more common. So while athletics fit the bill for some students, should they be required? High school sports often deplete the time and health of teens, and they should not be mandated- developing children should be allowed to choose for themselves what they will do with their free time, and there are other pursuits that prove beneficial to youths. In modern times, sports take serious dedication and time. However, kids need open space in their days to do as much as possible, from getting good grades, to upkeeping social lives, to performing well in their hobbies of choice.This puts students in a hard situation now that high school coaches and …show more content…

There is a wide range of options- sports, arts, academic endeavors, social outings, part-time jobsare good choices. As they become more independant and prepare to enter the adult world, it is important for teens to decide what will work in their favor and what won’t. Three in 10 students say they would like a program that offers after-school homework assistance (Rizzolo). 37% of high school students keep part-time jobs, and 52% attend lessons in the arts. 60% do volunteer work and 19% participate in a program like the Scouts. These aren’t all of the statistics recorded in Rizzolo’s article, but the idea is clear- high school students participate in a myriad of activities and indulge in many interests. Limiting their time by insisting that they play a sport would rob teens of the opportunity to become diverse and

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