Personality Theory Essay

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Personality is one factor which is studied by researchers time and again. Every person has an exclusive behaviour. Consider an example of a family with three children, although all the children are grown up in the same environment, yet they are different from one another and also from their own parents. This individuality gives the person a personality. In our everyday life we come across a numerous people out whom some are very pleasing, some are not while there are some people for whom we have no particular feeling and still we have to get along with all these types of people in some or the other walks of life. It is certainly not possible to associate with only those people whom we like. For this we need to understand the fact that we not only have to know the personality of others around us but firstly we need to understand ourselves. Expressing and appraising people’s personalities is a prevalent phenomenon. This can be explicit or implicit. Pondering on how and why people behave in a particular manner is the regular feature of masses. Although the personality psychologists does the same thing but with a more formal approach. They assess personalities using the conceptions of personality which could be applied to anyone. While studying personality more closely one may get to know more about how and what make personalities differ or similar. Personality is the distinct mix of emotions, attitudes and behaviour patterns of a person. Personality is defined as “the organized, developing system within the individual that represents the collective action of that individual’s major psychological subsystems.”The word Personality originated from a Medieval Latin word personalitatem which means ‘fact of being an individual...

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...Practices after a comprehensive analysis of HR policies across the industry.
The review characterise NIIT Technologies’ ranking to a myriad factors, some of the outstanding factors are new initiatives on the Training and Development front. Company’s focus, in the past year, has been to boost these programs in the areas of Career Development, Platforms for Collaboration and Employee Well-being by voluntarily initiating the process.

Objective of the Study
The prime objective of the study is to find out the relationship between the Big Five Personality traits and the career success aspirations of the employees.
Research Methodology
Exploratory research design was used for this study wherein a self administered questionnaire was used to build a relationship among the variables. The study was conducted on the employees of NIIT Technologies Ltd. in Gurgaon and Noida.

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