Personality Development And Personal Development

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Every individual on this earth is different to each other. They are differing either physically or psychologically. The basic source of personality development is hereditary and environment.


Heredity refers to the genetic inheritance received by every individual at the time of conception. The origin of every human life can be traced to a single cell called zygote. The union of sperm and ovum form it. The sperm and ovum will contain 23 pairs of chromosomes out of which one will be sex-determining chromosome. Female will have 23 pairs of XX chromosomes. Male will have 22 pairs of XX and 2 single, represented as XY. X chromosome from mother and Y chromosome from father will lead to male offspring, XX from both parents give rise to female. …show more content…

After nine months, the child is born and enters a new environment which is entirely different. A new life begins in a new environment. This new environment will have a different culture, ideology, values, etc. The home atmosphere, parental love and affection, association with sibling, neighbors, peers, teachers, etc. will create an entirely different and new atmosphere. This is called social environment. All the social factors stated above shape the personality of the child.
1. Identify a typical developmental milestone for a person at a specific stage and explain how achievement of this milestone might be impacted by genetics and environment.

Growth is defined as an increase in the size of an individual due to increase in all number and size of the cells, resulting in an overall increase. This increase can be seen, appreciated & measured accurately. A loving and supportive environment would help to develop confidence. There are some developing skills such as Gross and fine motor development, capacity to speak, able to eat, draw picture, cognitive and thinking ability, understanding and problem-solving capacity, social interaction with others, making new friends, having sympathy for others

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