Personal Statement: I Believe In Sports

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I believe in sports. Sports help people from all different backgrounds connect in situations where if it weren't for sports they would not. It can take your mind off a bad situation . sports can heal you, also teaches people teamwork, cooperation, and teaches values that translate to the real world. It can bring out the best and the worst in people but at the end of the day it brings people together. I believe that the athletes in sports play a valuable role in today’s youth. Athletes serve as goal for kids and teenagers to reach for. They teach them the value of hard work and what you can accomplish through hard work. When I was younger and still to this day look up to Kobe Bryant as a reminder as of how successful i wanted to be. I would …show more content…

This can translate to the real world because teamwork and cooperation does not end with sports , whatever profession that you decide to go in you're going to have to work with someone. I know without sports the value of teamwork and cooperation would not have hit home as hard because in sports you don't have a choice but to rely on someone else to help you accomplish your objective. Im on the track team here at West and my freshman year I was up there as being one of the best runners in the school but not quite but my sophomore year I made it known that i was the fastest in the school and one of the top sprinters in the state. So halfway to through my junior year I hold 4 records here at West 2 Fresh\Soph records and 2 Varsity records so i started to get a big head and started thing that i didn't need anybody to help me accomplish what i needed to accomplish. So one of my teammates made a mistake on one of our relays and i gave him hell about it and took him off the relay. The next meet we lost the same exact relay i took him off

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