Personal Narrative: What I Learned In My English Class

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Coming into my first semester of college, I had no idea what to expect. I completely thought that this could all go south because I didn’t think I was ready. English class, although I always received a passing grade, I never felt confident in the work I would submit. Now being in college, taking English 1A, I’ve learned so much about myself not only as a writer, but as a thinker. One of the goals I had set myself was to grow as an individual and as a thinker, and I can say that my mindset has definitely expanded when it comes to writing out my thoughts. Writing had always been one of my favorite things to do since I was a young girl, but it was challenging to take that initial step past the high school, five-paragraph essay form that constricted …show more content…

I can confidently say that I feel like I have met all those objectives as a writer. At times it was a bit challenging for me to write down all my thoughts and come up with an effective and organized paper that was long enough to meet the requirement. One thing I was taught was to never stop. To not stop my thoughts, and keep writing what I feel and what I think, to not put the pen down. And I think that’s one thing that made me persevere, I didn’t want to give up, not now, not ever. Another objective I feel like I have met was the ability to write well organized and clear essays. There were rough patches at first, but as I became better with finding scholarly articles online, and being overall passionate about what I’m writing about, it really helped push me. “Rethinking Justice” was the overall theme of the course. Just Mercy was such an insightful book on learning about the injustice in our society, that I believe every english course should read this. It helped me think what can I as an individual do to help those around me. There is injustice everywhere we go, sometimes it may not be as visible to others. We mustn't fight against each other, in fact we are supposed to stand with each other, and fight together. We must be the change. How can we expect there to be any change in this world if we are constantly going against one

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