Personal Narrative: The Trip To Washington D. C.

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It was a warm April day and all of the students were let out of school for the day. I went home to finish packing with the help of my parents making sure that I had everything and I wasn 't forgetting. I was excited for a week now to go on the trip to Washington D.C. with the whole 8th grade class for a week.

“Are you nervous?” my mom asked me as I was zipping up the suitcase.

“No, I 'm more excited than anything but its going to be different not being home every night!” I answered.

“Well please be careful and please stay with the rest of the group so you don 't get lost! And I hope you have a fun time there.”

“I will and thanks.”

I put all of my bag and my suitcase into the car and then came in to eat dinner. After eating and watching tv for a bit we headed to the school where we are supposed to meet for the buses. When we got there it was 8 o’clock and starting to get dark and cold outside. We all met in the gym with our parents and waited for a half an hour before the teachers started letting the students loading there bags and suitcases onto the bus. After saying our goodbyes to our parents we got on the bus and started to head to D.C. The bus ride there it was pretty boring since everyone was tired from the school day so most of us past out including me. After a few hours of sleeping, the bus stopped at a bus station so that everyone could use the restroom and once I got off the bus I had a loss of balance since my eyes didn 't want to open from sleeping so I couldn 't see where I was going most of the time. But I managed to use the restroom and get back to my seat alright. Once I sat down I fell right …show more content…

I noticed that I wasn 't the only one awake so I started talking to my friends that sat next to me in the next lane. I asked them if they knew if we were close and they told me that we are in D.C. and in about 15 minutes we will be getting off the bus to start our tour of

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