Flatwoods Research Paper

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One of my most memorable days in my life was when I came to Flatwoods. I awaken from slumber it was about 7:50. I usually wake up at 7:00 but the previous day I received a letter in the mail saying I have been approved at job corps of VA aka Flatwoods. I have to be ready to leave at 10:30 so I can catch the bus. I have arrived at the Greyhound and it was quite a while so I had some free time. Going to the store I saw a Subway. I ate there for 40 minutes it was now 10:28 and on my way walking back and people was just loading up on the bus. The man driving the bus checked my bus ticket and I put my bags on the bus. I’ve been on the bus for about 5 hours and I’m getting sleepy but it was hard to sleep since it was my first time I’ve rode a bus

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