Hickory Hollow Research Paper

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Firstly, with Hickory Hollow is the disappearing crayfish in Ribbon Cave. This problem, it seems, is the result of heavy metals found in the water. The heavy metals were found at the site of Ribbon Cave, as well as the northern portion of Aram Creek. We tested for heavy metals at well sites G, I, L, M, and S for heavy metals, with the only positives being well sites I and L. Nevertheless, this still confirmed our theory. The heavy metals found in the water have most likely resulted from Compara Corp’s hazardous waste spills, a problem that has occurred multiple times. The heavy metals found in the water being lead, tin, copper, and ammonia would then be highly probable. To fix this problem the answer is simple, “The answer, according to the agency and an outside expert, is twofold: treatment and dilution” (Pappas, 1). Treating the water is simple: the water needs the acidity to be reduced. After that is done, you must dilute the water (add water to the creek). However, the problems will never fully go away, but they will be greatly decreased. In conclusion, in order to save the lives of the crayfish, Hickory Hollow must treat Aram Creek in order to strip the heavy metals. Moreover, lead in Hickory Hollow is a major problem with 7 wells showing up
The main problem was lead, with seven well samples showing up positive. The calcium and nitrates both had four samples showing up positive. Hydrocarbons had 3 samples showing a positive. Heavy metals have two positives,and bacteria had only 1 positive. Many men, women, and children are getting sick from horrible water pollution and some of the water pollutants cause cancer! So through all thirty of the tests we ran we got twenty one samples back that gave us a positive result. In conclusion the water in Hickory Hollow is justified, showing various

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