Florida Everglades Research Paper

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Over the last 100 plus years, man-made and nature-made problems have arose for the Florida Everglades. The badly affected water has taken a tole on the Everglades. The wildlife and clean water has decreased in the Everglades. The water supply of the Everglades has badly affected the park and animals. The water supply of the Everglades has been getting worse and worse, causing the quantity and diversity of wildlife to decrease. From 1905 to 1910, people started to do construction on the Everglades cutting off the flow of fresh water to it. According to the article “Past and Present: The Florida Everglades”, “As a result [of cutting off the flow of water], the quantity and diversity of the wetlands’ [Everglades] wildlife decreased.” This shows that the doing of humans a 100 years ago has affected the Everglades in a bad way. The …show more content…

Many animals and people use the Everglades’ water supply as their primary water source. However, the contaminated water is not good for humans or animals to drink. Based on the article “Water Quality Nearly Halts Everglades Restoration” people are concerned about the water quality because of, “...the amount of phosphorus present in the water.” The excessive amount of phosphorus in the water contaminates it and makes unclean water for animals and people to drink. The unclean water supply, which provides almost 7 million with water, has created contaminated water to millions of people and animals. The contaminated water supply has greatly affected animals in the Everglades. The animals in the Everglades, who live off the water, have toxic water to drink. The Everglades’ water supply is filled with chemicals, nitrogen, and phosphorus from fertilizer causing unhealthy water for animals who live in the wetlands. The greatly contaminated water of the Everglades has created toxic water for the park’s animals. (Can We Fix the Water

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