Personal Narrative: The Miracle League Of Joliet

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I was the average student and athlete at school, I wasn’t known for anything amazing though. The only thing that I notice that stood out from me was that I always had a big heart for other people especially ones who live with a disability. I respect the children to adults that have disabilities and live life to the fullest, I don’t know how they do it. They really know how to live life to the fullest compared to those who have no disabilities. This is a story that tells you how I met the most amazing people and how I became so close to them. When I did travel softball, my coach wanted us to do a volunteer program and he came across a place called The Miracle League of Joliet. I had no idea what I was getting into but I was excited. When the day came, I fell in love. Miracle league of Joliet is a baseball program that allows disabled children and teens to play a baseball game with a non-disabled buddy, which was me. My first buddy was Johnny, he was older than me but his disability didn’t stop him from playing baseball. He was so open to me and nice, he made me smile the entire …show more content…

“He does not talk but he does show a lot of emotions and be careful he runs a lot” was the first thing his mom said to me, so I was nervous because I felt like he would not like me. The game started, and Justin and I connected within seconds. I chased after him and looking at him smile made me feel so warm inside that I did not care that I was sweating like crazy. I did everything I could to make the kid smile and laugh, and I made it happen. After his game, his parents thanked me and they went off but I was so happy the entire day. Weeks of games went by and the more Justin and I became closer, along with other kids. Being there you look past their disabilities and look so deep into their personality, which was amazing. Miracle League made me find my true passion and it surely wasn’t softball

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