Michigan I - My interest in this seminar stems from my home, Chicago. As I live in the city of meat packaging and cultural mixing, I found interest in seeing how another city take on its evolution in different way than Chicago. Also in looking at Detroit, I am able to see my city in a different light. Cornell l - This seminar catches my attention as mythology in my eyes shows us our abilities to explain things without evidence. In a time where we can figure out things easily with science or mathematics,it interests me to see how creative we had to be before it. Also it helps me to be more open minded when it comes to people discussing their religion’s stories with me as I can look at them like any myth or legend. Michigan II - This seminar’s
Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 1993. U.S. History in Context. Web. The Web.
Detroit: Gale, 2004. http://www.gale.com/gae/. 163 - 164. World History in Context. Web.
Detroit: Gale, 1997. http://www.gale.com/gale/. Literature Resource Center -. Web. The Web. The Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
The city that I am going to examine is Toledo, Ohio. Toledo has gone through a lot of changes since World War II. It flourished with industry and grew out from there. Out of the many city models that the book covered, the model that a Toledo best fit into is the sector model. This essay will go into detail about the physical, economical, social, and political issues and changes that have faced Toledo in the past fifty years.
The. Detroit: Gale, 2004. http://www.gale.com/gae 213-215. The. U.S. History in Context.
Myths relate to events, conditions, and deeds of gods or superhuman beings that are outside ordinary human life and yet basics to it” ("Myth," 2012). Mythology is said to have two particular meanings, “the corpus of myths, and the study of the myths, of a particular area: Amerindian mythology, Egyptian mythology, and so on as well as the study of myth itself” ("Mythology," 1993). In contrast, while the term myth can be used in a variety of academic settings, its main purpose is to analyze different cultures and their ways of thinking. Within the academic setting, a myth is known as a fact and over time has been changed through the many different views within a society as an effort to answer the questions of human existence. The word myth in an academic context is used as “ancient narratives that attempt to answer the enduring and fundamental human questions: How did the universe and the world come to be? How did we come to be here? Who are we? What are our proper, necessary, or inescapable roles as we relate to one another and to the world at large? What should our values be? How should we behave? How should we not behave? What are the consequences of behaving and not behaving in such ways” (Leonard, 2004 p.1)? My definition of a myth is a collection of false ideas put together to create
What is a hero? A hero isn’t someone who flies through the air or someone who has super speed. A hero is simply a person who inspires you to be great. Jose Luis Andalon son of an immigrant,migrant worker from Mexico is very hard working. He is 39 years old and short. He is the baby boy of six kids and was born in Salinas, California then moved to Gonzales, California. Luis Andalon, my dad inspires me to work hard and never stop working hard no matter what.
Forty seconds left until game time. Here we go again, versing one of our biggest rivals, Belleville West. As usual, I’m starting. Defense has always been my go to position and this year I’m playing right back. The air around us is cold, considering we aren’t quite in spring yet. Eleven of us disperse on to the field, all in blue, determined to win. The referee blows his whistle, piercing our ears, and twenty two pairs of feet stir into action. Our back line is staring at the ball move towards the goal when suddenly things turn around. Hurriedly we shift to the left, ensuring the ball is put to a stop. Hannah boots the ball up the long green field and we’re all hopeful. West is playing hard; aggressive is their style. They win possession. Back
Every person has an American Dream they want to pursue, achieve and live. Many people write down goals for themselves in order to get to their dream. Those never ending goals can range from academic to personal. As of today, I am living my dream. My American Dream is to become a nurse, travel to many places, have a family, and get more involved with God.
I believe that we all have a special hero in our lives that inspires us, but maybe we don’t always know who that person is. It’s the little, unnoticed things that they do that have the most critical effect in our lives. The person I chose was my mom because she inspires like no other person does. My mom, who is forty-eight years old, has brown hair, brown eyes and the nicest smile that can make anyone’s day brighter. She always tells me that she loves me and that she would anything for me. My mom, Carol Busse, is the person that inspires me most because she always tells me do the right thing and that I should never give up.
The suburbs of Detroit--1968. It’s a muggy summer day, with children running through sprinklers, chasing each other, but I am not out there. I am stuck in this silly, house that is marred by disease. My mother and father constantly fighting, but mom is only getting sicker. The scary doctors keep telling us that our mother will get better, but I know better. I am living with mom constantly, watching her wither away to nothing. My brothers are whining because they want to go get Ice cream. I don't want to, my biggest wish is to be a normal kid again
I was in Ohio when I first came to America as an Chinese exchange student, I live in a little town surrounded by endless corn fields, basically in the middle of nowhere. I went to a small public high school, which has only 2 Chinese students, including me. All of a sudden my world is completely changed, nothing from my old days is left, and I’m totally not ready for that. I got so homesick, I began to miss everything about China, people, food, and of course, language. That’s probably the reason why I was so eager to speak Chinese every time I meet the other Chinese girl.
Rosenberg, Donna. World Mythology: An Anthology of the Great Myths and Epics. Lincolnwood: NTC Group, 1999. Print
Everyone has a purpose in the economy, every decision one makes will affect the economy; whether its staying home instead of going to work, to deciding to go out to dinner. Henceforth, when a city in decline becomes a more attractive city to invest in, everything changes. Detroit has been known for decades to residing the biggest automobile industry in the US, however on top of having a big production sector in automobiles, many small and corporate companies are establishing new hubs for those companies which then have increased Detroit’s revitalization. Due to the fact that the Three Big auto companies had left Detroit when they declared bankruptcy in the 1980s tens of thousands of jobs were lost and so many people migrated out of Detroit
The place where I would like to call me second home is located all the way down in Savanna Georgia. I can remember way back about nine years ago in the summer of 2008. The plane ride was a long and hot, and I spent the whole ride playing on my PSP. When I got off the plane I remembered walking through the freezing cold Savanna International Airport seeing all the flags of different countries hanging from the ceiling, but then taking one step out of the airport front doors looking for the car services that was rented and feeling the crushing 100°F heat and deathly humidity. But it is all worth the painful heat to spend time in the beautiful city.